Chapter 40

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"Do you have everything?" Mason asks me for like the hundredth time.

"Yes Mase. I have the breast pump, clothes, diapers, wipes, bottle, pacifier, blanket, crib, lotion, and everything else that we keep in the diaper bag. Did you get Layla's stuff?" I ask him and he nods.

"It's sitting by the door along with our bag." He tells me. I lean up to give him a small peck on the lips before picking up Carter off the floor. In the past two months, Carter has learned to crawl and is now trying to walk. At 8 months old he is in to everything and even has his first tooth.

"Are we taking my jeep or your truck?" I ask him.

"Do you care if we take your jeep? It has more room for the luggage and is easier in gas." He asks.

"Not at all." I tell him and hand him the keys. We are leaving to head to Florida. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and definitely showing. We've been trying to find a time to drive down but with my morning sickness, I didn't think I would be able to. My sickness has finally let up so we decided to head down to Florida now.

My parents have no idea about the twins so when I step out of the car, they will be in for a shock for sure. They haven't got to see Carter yet either so I'm hoping they will be too focused on him to notice my belly so that we can tell them.

By the time we were on the road for a few hours, we had to stop so I could feed Carter and change him. Layla was finally potty trained so after I finished feeding Carter, I had to take Layla into the gas station to use the bathroom. It took Mason and I close to 3 months to get her all the way potty trained but we finally managed.

We got back on the road for a few more hours. At dinner we decided to stay in South Carolina for the night and make the rest of the drive down in the morning. We got our bags and the portable cribs to take into the hotel. Layla and Carter played on the bed for a little while and then they went to sleep. We fell asleep shortly after them.

The next morning Mason woke me up and I got dressed. I changed into a pair of leggings and a white T-shirt. I was going to put Masons hoodie on if it was cold out but luckily it wasn't. I slipped on my white vans before getting Layla dressed.

She wanted to match me so I put her in a white shirt with some black pants and her checkered van shoes

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She wanted to match me so I put her in a white shirt with some black pants and her checkered van shoes. While I was dressing her, Mason got Carter dressed in a onesie and matching pants. I fed Carter while Mason got dressed and then we all headed down to the car.

We got back on the road and made it to Florida around dinner time. My parents didn't know that we were coming so it was supposed to be a surprise. We pulled into their driveway and quickly got the kids out. I covered up the peep hole in their door so they couldn't see us, before knocking.

I heard footsteps and then the door being unlocked. My dad stuck his head out. "Avery! My gosh what are you doing here." He said and pulled me into his arms. I leaned away so he wouldn't feel my belly. "Oh! And my grandson!" He quickly took Carter from Mason and opened the door for us to come in.

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