Avery Reyes decided to leave her old town and move across the country. She was fresh out of college and found a job in a small town of Indiana. Her old town had too many bad memories and after one stormy night, she knew she had to leave. She couldn'...
"Happy birthday Layla! You're a whole digit!" I say as I pick her up in my arms and spin her around. Of course she doesn't know what I mean but she smiles anyways. Today was Layla's first birthday and she had just woke up.
Mason held her for a good 10 minutes just whispering into her ear. He couldn't believe that a year had already gone by. I wished her a happy birthday next and started playing with her while Mason made us breakfast.
We would be leaving to go to the shop in a couple hours. Lacey set up a birthday party for Layla, and all the crew plus Masons parents would be there. I was a little bit scared to see his parents again since they didn't seem to take the pregnancy very well but there wasn't much I could do. I was going to be there for Layla.
"Pancakes are done." Mason called from the kitchen. I walked in with Layla and put her in her high chair. He gave her some crumbled up pancakes with some of her favorite apple sauce food. "I told Lacey that we would be there by 11."
"Alright. I just have to change and I'll be ready." I tell him and he nods.
Layla was pushing her food around and she dropped her spoon. She pointed at it and whined. "Ma ma!" I was about to get it but then when she said that I froze. I looked to Mason to see that he also had shock written on his face. "Ma ma." She says again and it breaks me out of it as I pick up her spoon.
"Umm..." I start to say but I really don't have any words. "What do I do?" I ask because what else is there to say. Mason let's out a long sigh.
"I don't know. She's just learning how to talk, maybe she's just trying out new sounds and doesn't actually mean it." He suggests and I nod.
"Yeah your probably right." I agree with him and then excuse myself to go get ready for her party. I changed into some denim jeans and a flowy white top with some ankle boots. I put some makeup on and straightened my hair before I was ready.
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I went to the nursery with a gift bag that I got for Layla. Mason was changing her diaper as I walked in. "What do you have there?" He asked and looked at the bag.
"It's for Layla." I tell him and walk over to them. He sets Layla up and I hand her the bag. She giggled and starts trying to tear at it before she pulls the tissue paper out. She dumped it out and the outfit I had gotten her fell on the ground. I picked it up and showed Mason. It was a lace long sleeved onesie that said one on it. It had a dark pink tutu skirt and a headband.
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