Chapter 22

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"Hey Aves, y-." Mason starts and takes in the scene in front of him. I'm in a bra that's too small a pair of boy short underwear while I'm sobbing. I have yesterday's mascara running down my face with the tears. "What's wrong?" He asks as he walks over to me.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest. His hands rub my back as he tries to calm me down. "Talk to me Aves. What happened?"

"Nothing happened." I say and throw my hands in the air but the tears won't stop.

"Why are you crying then?" He asks and steps close to me to wipe some of my tears.

"I don't fucking know!" I let out a groan. "My hormones are wack and I'm acting like a psycho bitch right now."

"No your not. It's normal to have mood swings. What caused it?" He asks me.

"All of my shirts are snug and not comfy. They all touch my belly and I don't like it. Plus I want cake." I say and cry again. Damn these hormones.

Mason left the room which didn't surprise me. I wouldn't want to be in a room with me either. He came back a second later with a shirt in his hand. He unsnapped my bra and pulled it off before putting one of his shirts on me.

"That fixes the shirt problem now let's go and fix the cake problem." He says and grabs my hand.

"Now I feel selfish." I say with a whine.

"There's no need to feel like that. You can wear my clothes anytime you want, you know where they are at in my closet so just help yourself. And whatever cravings you have, tell me and I'll try to help them." He said and kissed me gently on the lips. I molded into him.

"God I don't deserve you." I mumble to him.

"Yes you do, now go sit in the living room and I'll try to bake this cake. I'm making no promises though." He tells me and that makes me chuckle. Mason isn't the best of cook.

I did what he said and went to the living room. Layla was in there watching a cartoon while eating some puffs. When she seen me come in she crawled over to me and sat in my lap. I kissed the top of her head and watched the cartoons with her.

She tried feeding me some puffs but I declined them and told her to eat them instead. She giggled as she put them in her mouth. "So the cake is in the oven, I hope I did it right." Mason said as he walked in. He took the seat beside me and kissed my temple before looking to Layla. "Who's got you Layla? Does Avery got you?"

Layla giggled and bounced on my lap. I laughed at her. "I have to use the bathroom." I tell Mason and hand him Layla. She pouts as I turn around and walk down the hall. I do my business and walk out. Layla is sitting there on the floor. I smile at her. "Did you follow me?"

"Ah gah da da." She said with a toothy grin. I grabbed her small hands and helped her to her feet. I held onto her hands as she took wobbly steps into the living room. She still hasn't been walking without someone's hands.

"Layla! Walk to me." Mason said as he scooted to the edge of the couch. He put his arms out to her and I let go of her hands when we were a few feet from him. She wobbled a bit but took one step forward and then another. She took five steps before falling into Masons arms.

"You did it baby girl!" He said and picked her up to kiss her. She giggled at him. "I brought paperwork home that needs done for the shop. I can show you how to do it if you'd like?"

"Yeah sure. I feel like I haven't did anything since you hired me." I tell him with a chuckle. The oven dinged and I went in there to check the cake. I grabbed the oven mits and pulled it out of the oven to let it cool on the counter.

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