"Ahhhhh." I scream out in pain. "It hurts Mase." I curl against him and he strokes my hair and back.
"I'm sorry baby. I wish I could help." He says and kisses my head.
We've been here for two hours and still haven't seen the doctor. The nurse had Mason timing my contractions and unless they got closer together, the doctor wouldn't be in a hurry to get in here. They haven't even check how far dilated I am!
My contractions have gotten worse and it seems that I go from screaming to crying or sometimes both. Mason probably thinks I'm a mess right now. Which is true but still. I hate being like this. I feel bad for everyone that has to listen to me right now. I just want to curl up and go to sleep.
"I'm going to go find the doctor, I've had enough of their shit. They need to at least check to see how far you are. You could have the head popping out and they wouldn't even know." Mason grumbled before kissing me and walking out in the hallway. He had a point. I could be really close but yet we didn't know since no one had checked.
I wish we would have just drove the extra hour back to our regular hospital. I know they would've already checked me.
A few minutes go by and the door opens revealing Mason and a guy in a white jacket. "I'm sorry about your wait. No one informed me that you were here. I'm doctor Brown." The guy said. Mason came back over and stood beside me as the doctor put my legs up in the holders and checked.
"It looks like you are 8cm dilated. You should be ready to start pushing soon. I will be back in half an hour. If you feel pressure or the need to push, hit the call button and I will come back." He said before leaving the room.
"Just a little while longer and little man will be in our arms." Mason told me with a huge smile on his face.
"I can't wait." I say back as I cuddle with his arm that is holding my hand.
"Thank you for carrying my baby boy and staying in my life. I know the pregnancy was horrible for you and I wish I could have did more to help take away some of the pain you went through and are still going through. You are so strong and I've loved being able to watch the process. I missed out on that with Layla but you gave me another chance." Mason said and I teared up.
I've never heard anyone thank the girl for carrying the baby and going through all the changes and moods, not to mention the nausea and cramps. Mason truly is a one in a million guy. I'm so lucky that I met him and now I get to spend the rest of my life with him.
It took about 20 more minutes and I started feeling the need to push. It was a weird feeling but I knew it was time. "I need to push Mase." I tell him.
"I'll hit the call button." He tells me. I release his arm a little bit so he could reach the button. He came back and held my hand as another contraction hit. The doctor and nurses came in within a few minutes.
"Do you feel pressure?" He asked as he sat down at the foot of the bed.
"I feel the need to push." I tell him and he nods.
"You are 10cm dilated. Are you ready to meet your baby boy?" The doctor asked and I fiercely nodded. "Alright, it's time."
The nurses scrambled around to get everything ready while the doctor coached me to push at the next contraction. As the next contraction came I pushed and pain shot everywhere. "Holy fuck!" I screamed as I threw my head back and gripped tightly onto Mason. At this point he might not be able to race for a few months due to a broken hand.
The next contraction was harder. I was starting to second guess my choice of not getting the epidural but I know that I'm strong and soon enough, our little boy will be in our arms. "You're doing great baby." Mason whispers into my ear and kisses my sweaty forehead.

My Saving Graces
RomanceAvery Reyes decided to leave her old town and move across the country. She was fresh out of college and found a job in a small town of Indiana. Her old town had too many bad memories and after one stormy night, she knew she had to leave. She couldn'...