Chapter 16

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I woke up and Mason had his arm draped over me. I picked it up and slid off of the couch. I quickly walked towards the small bathroom and emptied my stomach. I sat by the toilet just incase it started again.

I started thinking about what had happened in the last few hours. Mason said that he liked me and he would never tell me to leave. He wants to be a part of the babies life. I wasn't aware that I was crying until I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Shit, Avery what's wrong?" I heard Masons voice. He was sitting up on the couch and looking at me.

"I'm fine." I tell him. He comes over and gives me his hand to help me up.

"Then why are you crying?" He asks and wipes the tears of my face.

"I don't know." I tell him. He gives me a small laugh and hugs me.

"Lacey was the same way. She would start crying at the most random times." He tells me. We stand there for a little bit in silence. "We need to talk."

I pull away and look up at him to try and read what he was thinking. I hated them four words. They never turned out good. "W-why? Did you change your mind?" I ask him in a shaky voice and I see his face soften.

"No, of course not. I'm with you through this. Nothing will change my mind on that." He tells me and I sigh in relief.

"What do you want to talk about then?" I ask him.

"A lot of stuff. I have so many questions right now but if you don't feel like talking today then it can wait." He says and I shake my head.

"I can talk right now." I tell him and sit back down on the couch. He sits down beside me.

"You said you were staying with your friend, is that where you are still staying? Are you looking for somewhere else here or are you thinking of moving back home?" He asks me.

"I'm still living with her. I need to find somewhere else because I know that her and her fiancé doesn't want me there all the time. They want there own space. I've tried looking around here but I haven't found anything that I can afford and that is nice. I don't want to move, I want to stay here but I guess that depends if I find somewhere or not." I tell him honestly.

"Why don't you stay with us?" He says.

"Mason, this trailer is small. It's small for just you and Layla let alone adding me in here. I will always be in the way." I tell him and try to explain to him why I can't.

"The toter is temporary. I recently closed on a piece of land. It's nice sized and has a big house seat. I'm already working on getting the house. It's five bedrooms and three baths. There will be plenty of enough room for you there." He tells me and I'm actually surprised.

"I don't know Mason."

"Just think about it. Please." He says and I nod. My stomach growls and he looks down at me and laughs. "You need to eat."

"Every time I eat, I'm right back in the bathroom." I explain to him.

"You still have to eat. It's not healthy for you or the baby. You both need food." He says and then walks to the small kitchen area. He opens a few drawers before grabbing some pretzels. "These are supposed to be good for pregnancy sickness."

I thank him and eat a few pretzels. After I'm sure they are going to stay down I eat a handful of them. "So what land did you buy?" I ask Mason and he grins at me.

"It's 50 acres of land. The front of the property has a driveway to the house seat and then there are woods in behind the house. At the very back of the property is an old track. It was closed about 15 years ago but I talked to my dad and I'm going to reopen it."

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