Chapter 11

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I wake up to someone knocking on my door. I mumble a 'come in' and I hear the door open. I see Mason poke his head in. "Oh hey, I didn't know you was still asleep."

"It's fine. Did you need something?" I ask and sit up in bed.

"I have to run to the shop and I was going to ask if you'd watch Layla for a little bit but-." I cut him off because I knew he was second guessing it.

"I'd love too." I tell him and get out of bed. I forgot that I'm only wearing my underwear and a tank top. I feel his eyes glance down my body and I jump back into bed.

"Right, well I'm going to head out then. She's already had her first bottle and a diaper change. I laid her back down for a nap so she should sleep until I get home." He tells me and he then leaves. Once he's out the door, I get out of bed and throw some shorts and a hoodie on before I go to the living room and turn on the tv. He already had the baby monitor on the table so I could hear if she woke up.

About 30 minutes later I heard Layla start screaming and crying. I quickly ran to her room where I seen her just laying in her bed thrashing around and crying. I picked her up and started to try to soothe her but it wasn't working.

I checked her diaper and it was clean. She had just been fed so it wasn't that. I did notice that her cheeks were a little flushed so I put my lips to her forehead. It felt a little hot but I couldn't accurately tell without a thermometer. I carried her to my room where I had my nurses kit and I took out the thermometer. I scanned it across her forehead and sure enough, she was running a low fever.

I decide to try and put her in a bath with not hot but not cold water. It had to be the perfect temperature to bring fevers down. Once I had the water ran, I sat Layla in her baby bathtub with a rubber ducky before I grabbed my phone. I needed to tell Mason about it. He picked up after the second ring.

"Is everything okay?" He asked as soon as he answered.

"Layla starting crying hard. She has a low grade fever so I ran her a bath and she's playing in it right now. I can take her temperature again as soon as she gets out." I tell him.

"Im actually about to head home so I'll be there soon but it sounds like you did everything right." He said. I told him okay and that we'd see him in a little bit.

He got back to the apartment right when I was taking Layla out of the bath. I had wrapped a towel around her and I was carrying her back to her room. Mason came over and took her from me. "Hey baby girl. Do you not feel well?" He coos to her in a baby voice.

He took her to the changing table and laid her down so he could put a diaper on her. I ran to my room to grab the thermometer again and I scanned her forehead. It went back down to normal. "It's normal now." I tell Mason.

"Thank you. For watching her and for taking care of the fever." He told me.

"Anytime. I'm a pediatric nurse anyways so it wasn't hard." I tell him with a small laugh. 

"I always forget that that's what you do for a job." He chuckles. "Now should I put clothes back on her or will that spike a fever?"

"I'd just put a lightweight onesie on her. It's still cool enough to keep her from getting a higher temperature but it won't let her get cold." I tell him. He nodded and grabbed a peach onesie to put on her.

"Did you finish everything you had to do at the shop? You didn't have to come home I just wanted to tell you what happened." I told him. I felt bad for making him come home when I was supposed to be watching her.

"I finished everything and I still would've came back even if I hadn't. I have flexibility since I own it." He tells me with a small chuckle. He finished dressing Layla and we walked out to the kitchen.

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