Chapter 14

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"Aves you have got to eat something." Gill says as she sits on the edge of the bed. Today has sucked. Majorly sucked. To the point that I'm ready to quit the hospital.

It all started out with me running to the toilet when I woke up. After sitting in the floor for 30 minutes and puking my guts up, I got ready and went to work. When I got to work, there was a little girl that got rushed in. She was really sick and looked horrible.

I was assigned to her case and was monitoring her when her heart stopped. I immediately called everyone to her room and stepped out as they tried to revive her. Nothing they tried worked. The little girl died and I was the last one she saw. That's a hard pill to swallow since she was only 5 years old.

She had a whole life ahead of her just like my little girl that was taken to soon as well. At least this girl was able to see the world. My baby didn't get to see anything outside of my womb.

The day just got worse when I had to keep running to the bathroom. It seemed like anytime I smelt something I was on my way back to the bathroom. I was tired and dehydrated from all the times in the bathroom.

I hadn't been sleeping the last month. My night terrors have gotten worse and I miss seeing Layla and Mason. I know I told Mason that I would visit and keep in touch but it would have been too hard for me. I really liked him but I knew I wasn't ready for a relationship so I never told him. I couldn't live in the toter with him because I knew it would be to hard to control myself. Look what happened last time we were in a room alone together.

After noon I decided to go back home. Or to gills home. I still haven't found an open apartment or a house to rent and I was beginning to run out of options. I started thinking about going home but if I do that, I have to deal with the rumors and Dereks friends. I don't think I could handle it.

Gill has been trying to help me and get me feeling better since I came home. The lack of sleep and now this sickness is really messing with me. I went from sleeping to crying and now to refusing to talk to Gill. I know none of this is her fault but she doesn't know anything about my past and she doesn't know how to comfort me like Mason did.

I miss him so much. I never thought that I would miss him like this but now I am. I need to just call him but I don't even know what to say to him. He probably thinks I'm ignoring him anyways.

"Avery. I mean it. Eat this soup." Gill said again.

"I can't. I will be sick again." I grumble to her.

"Are you sure it's the flu?" She asks me and I nod.

"Yes. I always get sick like this. You're going to end up catching it if you don't get out." I warn her and she shrugs me off.

"I'll be fine." She tells me but leaves anyway.

Masons POV

I was working at the shop when my phone began to ring. I quickly stopped what I was doing and answered the phone. It was my real estate agent. "Hello?" I answered the phone

"Hey Mason, this is Jerry. I was calling to tell you that they accepted your offer. The property is yours. You can began to work on it or build, whichever you are doing, anytime. They have already moved all their things off of it." I was able to mumble a thank you and a goodbye before I began smiling to myself. I was starting on my dream.

I texted my dad to let him know that I was able to purchase it. He had talked to the rest of our crew and they were in. They were actually excited to get the track back up and running again. We wanted to restore it to its former beauty. We aren't going to start working on the track for a few months though, that way it will give me enough time to get the house ready and set up.

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