Chapter 9

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Masons POV

I was with Layla in the nursery when I heard a knocking on the door. I didn't want it to wake Avery up so I laid Layla back in the crib and went to answer the door. When I pulled it open there was a guy that was a few years older than me and had on a military uniform.

"Can I help you sir?" I ask him.

"My name is Rob. Is there by chance an Avery Reyes that lives here?" He asks me.

"May I ask why?" I say to him. Seeing as the last guy that showed up here gave me a black eye and threatened Avery, I was a little leery.

"I'm her older brother. I just came back from over seas and I haven't seen her for a few years. I have some news on our father." He tells me. I didn't know she had a brother and what was wrong with her father?

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware she had a brother." I tell the guy.

"I was told that most people thought I was dead. It seems that they was told that I was missing in action for the last few years when I was really just on a different mission. Is there any way that I can see her?" He said the part where people thought he was dead with a chuckle.

"She's sleeping so let me go and talk to her. I'll be back." I tell him and shut the door. I still didn't trust the guy, military or not, Avery doesn't need anymore crazy men in her life.

I walked in Averys room to see her spread across her bed. I go over and sit on the side of her bed so I'm close enough to wake her. "Avery, Avery." I murmur to her. She sits up quickly and looks around.

"What?" She asks when she sees me.

"There's a guy at the door. He said he's your brother. His name is Rob." I tell her and she starts crying.

"Rob? He's actually here?" She asks me through tears and I nod.

"He's outside." I tell her. She nods and runs out of the room. I run behind her and watch as she throws the door open and looks at the guy in front of her. It takes her only a second before she is in the Robs arms. She's crying but it's happy tears.

"Why don't you come in?" I say to them and Rob walks into the apartment with the sobbing Avery wrapped around him. I lead him to the couch where he sits down and moves Avery off of him.

"How are you here? I thought you were dead!" Avery almost yells to him.

"I was on a new mission that was secret and the word got around because no one could find me. They thought I was missing but I wasn't. I was very much safe the whole time." He tells her.

"How did you find me here?" She asks him.

"I did some tracking and with the help of some friends, I found you here. It was a surprise when I got home and heard about everything that happened." He said and eyed Avery. I felt like this was a moment between the siblings that they needed to have alone so I got up to leave.

"Mason, stay. You want to know my story, well it's about to come out." She said with tears threatening to spill out. I sat back down beside her and waited to hear just what all this girl has went through.

"I want your side of everything because I know better than to believe anything that Derek said." Rob told Avery. Just hearing Dereks name made my jaw clench. Before she got to the story, Layla started crying. I jumped up and went to get her from her room.

I brought her back to the living room and laid her on my lap. "So is that part of the story true? You got pregnant and had a baby?" Rob asked as he seen Layla.

"Just let me tell you but for your information, that is not my baby. It's Masons daughter." Avery tells her brother. "I don't know how well I can tell it but I guess I'll try my best."

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