Three months later
I wake up to the sound of screams. I immediately shoot out of bed and look around the room. Carter was sleeping soundly in his crib but Avery wasn't in here. I ran out of the room and towards Layla's room. I opened the door to see Layla deep asleep in her bed.
I was confused as I ran back out to the living room. Curled up on the corner of the couch was Avery. She looked to be asleep but was shaking and sobbing. She must be in a dream. I ran over to her and brought her into my arms. Luckily my shoulder has finally healed and there wasn't any pain.
"Avery, baby, wake up." I said into her ear and lightly shook her. Her eyes shot open and she looked around in a panic. "You're okay. It was just a dream, I got you."
"Mase!" She said and sobbed. I held her tightly and rocked her. She hasn't had a dream since Carter was born so I was confused as to why she was having them again.
She shot out of my lap so quickly that I fell back. I watched as she took off running down the hall and to the spare bathroom. I went running after her and walked in on her throwing up in the toilet. She worked herself up so much that she threw up. It must have been really bad.
By the time she finished and I got her to brush her teeth, she was covered in sweat. I took her into our bathroom and got her one of my shirts before pulling off her pajama outfit and slipping my shirt over her head. I made sure that Carter was still asleep before I took Avery back to the living room. I turned the lamp on since it was till dark outside.
"What were you doing out here?" I ask her. When we fell asleep, she was in the bed beside me.
"I wasn't feeling good so I came out here to watch tv. I must've fell back asleep. Sorry that I woke you up." She tells me and I frown.
"What's wrong?" I ask her.
"I think I got the stomach bug from Lacey's when we were there." She says and leans against me.
"I'm sorry baby. I'll get you some medicine and a trash can." I tell her. I kiss her forehead before getting up. I grab the trash can from the bathroom and set beside of her incase she can't make it to the toilet and then I grab some anti nausea pills. I give her the pills and sit beside of her. "I'll call mom in the morning and see if she can take the kids for the day. Maybe a couple. We don't want them catching it."
"I don't want you catching it either so you should go back in there." She tells me but I shake my head.
"I'm staying with you. Are you still hot?" I ask and fill her forehead. She doesn't feel like she has a fever but she's still sweating. She nods her head so I pull my shirt off her, leaving her in a pair of my old boxers and her bralette. "I'll get you a sheet to cover up with. It will be cooler."
I got up and grabbed a sheet from the hall closet and covered her up with it and then I crawled onto the couch behind her. I cuddled her against me and waited until I felt her breathing even out before I let myself fall asleep.
I woke up to a knocking at the door. It was daylight outside now and Avery was still curled beside of me. I rolled off of her without waking her and went to get the door. I was only in basketball shorts but I really could care less.
I open the door to see Chris and Amber standing there. "Hey guys?"
"Did we wake you? Sorry I figured you'd be awake." Chris says but I shrug.
"Avery caught the stomach bug from Lacey's and she had a ruff night." I explain to them. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We just came to visit and see Layla and little man." Chris tells me.

My Saving Graces
RomanceAvery Reyes decided to leave her old town and move across the country. She was fresh out of college and found a job in a small town of Indiana. Her old town had too many bad memories and after one stormy night, she knew she had to leave. She couldn'...