Chapter 15

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The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was run to the bathroom and empty my stomach. Last night was the first night that I slept in my bed since two weeks ago. I had to get up a few times and run to the bathroom but I still got a little bit of sleep here and there.

The second thing I did was get my phone out and call Mason before I ended up chickening out. It rang a few times before I heard Masons deep voice. "Avery! Hey!" He said into the phone. I could tell that he was happy that I finally called. I only wish he knew what I was calling about, he wouldn't be so happy the.

"H-hi." I said back to him.

"What are you doing? Why did you call?" He asks but it's still in an excited voice.

"I Uh- I wanted to see if we could meet up and talk?" I get out. I'm so shaky and I know he can hear it in my voice.

"Yeah sure! I'll be at the shop all day today. Just come to my office. No one else is here today." He says. I tell him that I will be there in an hour and we say goodbye.

Another thing that I forgot to mention was that after I fell asleep yesterday, I was woken about an hour later by my phone ringing. It was my boss so I answered it. I'll sum up the call and say that I am now jobless. I used too many sick days and she told me that if I couldn't be there today then I should look for a new job. So that's what I'm going to do.

The third thing I do before it's time to go and confess this huge mess to Mason, is get dressed and try to look like everything has been fine. I know I look like crap and that he will definitely know that I'm not fine but I can at least try.

I threw on some white comfy shorts that were loose. Even though I was only 7 weeks, I looked bloated. No one would know that it's a baby in there unless I told them. It just looks like I ate to much. So I just threw on a pull over hoodie.

I grabbed my phone and purse, then I left Gills apartment to get in my jeep

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I grabbed my phone and purse, then I left Gills apartment to get in my jeep. I drove to Masons shop. It was a 20 minute drive and the whole way there, my nerves were getting the best of me. Mason wouldn't want this baby. He's a racing star who is just now getting popular around the world. Why would he want a baby to ruin that?

I felt nauseous when I walked through the doors of his shop. I couldn't tell if it was my morning sickness from the pregnancy or if it was nerves. My guess was that it is a mix of both. I take a deep breath and opened his office door.

Masons POV

I heard a soft knock on my door before it was pushed open. Avery was standing there. She looked horrible since I last seen her. She was pale and had lost weight. Not to mention it looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Avery?" I ask and she meets my eyes. "Are you going to come in?" I don't want to mention about her looks because that would just be rude.

So many thoughts were running through me as she made her way to my desk. Was she sick? If she is, is it serious? Are her night terrors worse and causing all of this?

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