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"Mind if we stay like this for a while?" Wilbur asked into her hair, She could hear the nervousness that laced into his voice.

She smiled slightly before she responded,

"Just for a little bit, I have to make everyone breakfast" I felt a slight smirk tug at my lips as I got an idea. It was admittedly cruel and something she would probably regret later but it's time to live in the moment.

Wilbur made a humming noise into her hair as acknowledgement to her speaking.
They stayed cuddling for around 15 minutes before you felt Wilbur's breath start to quicken before he sat up quickly making the shorter girl jump slightly at the sudden move, (Y/N) sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before looking at Wilbur.

"What's wrong Wil?" She asked as she crossed her legs resting her chin on her hand.

"Sorry I dozed off and forgot where I was for a moment" He chuckled embarrassed.

"Okay?" She shrugged slightly before standing and yawning, she grabbed some clothes and walked out presumably going to the bathroom to change.

She walked into the bathroom changing into black high waisted ripped jeans and a long sleeved peach top along with a black Adidas zip up jumper.

(My exact outfit lmao)

She walked out the bathroom thanking that no one walked in as she forgot to lock the door.

'That would've been embarrassing' she thought to herself before walking back to her bedroom,

"Okay you can go change into your clothes now. I will be making breakfast in the kitchen if you need me" She said as she grabbed her phone and walking to the kitchen with a smirk.

She grabbed a pan cooking up Eggs, bacon, sausage and then making some toast. As she was buttering the toast Wilbur walked in and sat at the table.  (Y/N) put the food onto 3 plates handing one to Wilbur,

"Best we eat in Tommy's room" She stated and she walked, with the 2 plates in her hand, over to Tommy's room. She pushed the door open with her side to see Tommy sitting at his chair playing on his phone.

"We have breakfast" Wilbur grinned sitting on Tommy's bed as (Y/N) handed Tommy a plate before she sat on the beanbag next to bed.

"What about Anne?" Wilbur asked only half interested in his own question. At the mention of Anne Tommy's face moved into disgust,

"She's weird." Tommy stated before taking a bite of bacon.

"Yeah but what about her breakfast?" Wilbur asked still not really caring.

"She can make her own" She shrugged

"But she can't cook.." Wilbur and Tommy glanced at each other weirdly while (Y/N) smiled swallowing a slice of bacon she was chewing.

"Exactly" She stated blankly.

"Ohh" Wilbur and Tommy both said in union.

"Ya know Tommy, I'm pretty sure Anne has a thing for you" She chuckled at how Tommy's face turned into utter disgust,

"If your cooking wasn't so amazing I would've lost my appetite" He stated his voice showed how much he hated the pure thought.

"Yeah when I mentioned you last night she totally had little hearts in her eyes" Wilbur spoke.

She could tell neither of the boys liked her in the slightest and she couldn't blame them. Anne was normally a lot more chilled out but then when Tommy came she changed and ended up being meaner.

There was a groan of annoyance before a knock on Tommy's door,

"Tommy?" Anne's voice was heard. Wilbur and (Y/N) smirked hiding their plates and getting into the closet, Tommy understood what they meant so Tommy nodded to himself before yelling to Anne that she could come in.

"Hey Tommy, I've got bad news.." Anne stated fake sadness was oozing from her as she spoke.

"What's the bad news?" Tommy asked tilting his head to the side with confusion over his face.

"(Y/N) doesn't want you to live here anymore." She stated holding her hands up to her chest as if she was in an anime.


I glared at the door of the closet rage filling me like water in a bottle. I was angry beyond belief. She had just lied to Tommy. What that could've done if Tommy didn't know better.

"What..?" Tommy spoke with confusion

"I'm sorry you have to hear it from me but she's just so angry with you" Anne lied putting an innocent voice on.

"What did I do?" He asked it sounded as if he was really sad but he has to know I didn't want him to leave right?

"Your streaming is too loud for her ears. It's a stupid thing isn't it? I mean that stupid twat is a streamer too!" She exclaimed attempting to make me look bad.

I felt Wilbur put his hand on my shoulder in reassurance.

"He doesn't actually believe her don't worry" Wilbur whispered to me, I nodded slightly with a slight frown.

"Yeah, weird...almost unbelievable." He spoke his voice started to sound annoyed.

"I plan to leave here too" Anne spoke. This made me breath in sharply with excitement.

"If you want you can join me and we could be housemates" she offered him.

"Oh, uh maybe. I would have to think about it" He spoke his voice still covered in confusion.

I heard the door shut signalling that Anne has left. I rushed out the closet a frown still on my face. Tommy was glaring at the door that Anne had just exited from.

"You don't believe her do you Tommy..?" I asked unsure myself.

"Of course not." He stated shocked. "That's just...just too far." He spoke coldly.

Wilbur nodded,
"That could've done so much damage if you had believed that."

"That's the final straw" I stated with an irritated sigh.

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked glancing at the door then back at me.

"I'm telling her to leave. She can't stay anymore." I shook my head sadly.

"Seriously..?" Tommy asked glancing at Wilbur.

"Yes. She can't do that. It's way too far as you said." I replied before turning and heading to door.


Holy cow everyone! It's drama city up here!! Some people have been pointing out spelling mistakes, some major some not but I'm not going to apologise ;)
I'm not apologising for my dyslexia.

Anyways a lot of you hate Anne she was actually never meant to be a hated character but she is. I hope I have satisfied you readers by this.


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