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One she had seen the tall man she dashed towards him, he noticed her almost immediately and put his arms out already having an idea of what was going to happen.

Once she got a few feet away she dropped her bags and jumped into Clays arms hugging him tightly. It was almost like it was straight out of one of those romance movies.

Once she let go she smiled happily,

"It's been ages clay!" She felt all bubbly inside excitement rushing throughout her body.

Wilbur walked up with a wave him and clay briefly shaking hands with a warm smile.

"Long time eh" clay spoke cheerily.

Wilbur nodded slightly.

"Okay so I'll take us to the car and we can head back to my place" He spoke before helping with some of the shorter girls luggage.

"So (Y/n)" Clay started with a large smile,
"I have a whole idea of what we can do while your here seeing as the face thing died down easily"
He had a large grin on his face as they all got in the car,
Clay was in the drivers seat and (Y/n) in the passenger seat, Wilbur was in the back seat.

"And what could those be" She asked as she looked out the window at the scenery.

"Well I managed to get an extra ticket to this fair, I had two but had to get the extra for Wilbur seeing as he decided to join us"
He talked about things he wanted to do as he drove them to his house,

"So we have a problem in the whole sleeping thing through" he went on.

"I originally planned on me taking the sofa while you took the bed" he directed toward the girl.

"But because Wilbur is joining us I don't know what we will do about that" he finished.

"Well maybe I can take the sofa and you two could share the bed?" (Y/n) offered quietly.

"That could work but your a guest and I don't want you to have to be restricted to the sofa" He spoke.

"Nah don't worry about it, your sofa is comfier than your bed anyway" She giggled at herself before turning her attention back out the window again.

Clay nodded quietly as he drove into his drive way,
"We are here" he spoke in a happy voice as the car came to a stop.

(Y/n) immediately got out the car and stretched.
"I hate long car rides" she started to get her bags from the boot of the car with a little help from clay while Wilbur got his own few bags.

(Y/n) walked to the door that clay opened and put her stuff in the corner of the livingroom.

His house had a white door and baby blue walls. The inside of the house had white walls and a grey carpet in the hallways, the livingroom had light green walls and a light blue carpet that was almost so light you couldn't tell it was blue at all.

She took in the familiar sent of the house before going out and helping Wilbur with his bags and took them to clays room, his room had darker green walls with a dark gray carpet.

Clay was humming a small tune while he pulled out a medium sized box from under the stairs.

"So guys, tonight shall we watch a movie"
He asked as the other two came down the stairs.

They both nodded and gave there own versions of yes as they sat on the sofa.

"Okay well" he set the box in front of them,
"Pick a DVD" he looks through the box until they all agree on watching the movie 'The Shinning'. He puts it on and sits on the other side of (Y/n).

She was basically sandwiched in between the two of the other males.


So hey guys! I'm slowly trying to bring the story to an end but I want to cover everything and get it all sorted because I don't want this to be one of those never ending story's everyone gets bored of if you get what I'm meaning.

So if chapter get a lot shorter it's because I'm planning an end to the story and I'm just getting things shortened until it comes to an end.


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