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(Y/N)'s pov

I looked at Wilbur feeling defeated. I had just gotten a phone call from an old friend who lived in Florida, she knows what Clay looks like and had gotten extremely drunk and posted photos of his face all over all her social medias. I had loads of texts from clay and tons of missed calls. I watched Wilbur and he pulled his legs up so he was sitting cross legged leaning against the wall, his head slightly tilted with confusion.

"Clays face got leaked because of my friend." I murmured angrily.

"Was it Anne?" Wilbur asked slight anger laced his voice.

"No, she didn't see clays face" I replied.

My head was pounding along with my heartbeat. My phone started ringing and I just let it ring out as me and Wilbur sat in silence. Wilbur was the first to break the tension by picking up my phone and placing it on the dresser before taking my wrist gently and pulling me onto the bed so that I was now sitting at the side of the bed. The top half of my body was turned to face him while my legs dangled off the edge.

"You need to relax a little" He started before I interrupted,

"How can I? Clays face has been leaked and it's my fault!" I felt the tears well up in my eyes my body shaking slightly. After a short moment Wilbur pulled my by the waist to sit in between his legs.

"You need to calm down a little before you will be able to resolve the issue" He spoke calmly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head into my shoulder. I looked out the window to see it was quite dark outside, it must've been nighttime now. I sighed and leaned into Wilbur's touch. I started to drift off before being brung back to reality when Wilbur moved us so he was lying on his back and I was laying with my head just below his chest and the rest of my body laying on top of him except my legs and the bottom half of my stomach that were in between his legs. I smiled to myself and buried my head into him and let myself drift in and out of sleep, I couldn't fully get to sleep so I started to get up as to go do something but as I was crawling backwards I felt him move and turn onto his side as he did this he trapped me under one his legs, my head lay on his thigh as I thought of a way to get up without waking him. His other leg was across my chest holding me down. I huffed before giving into how I was completely trapped and closed my eyes to try sleep some more.

I awoke to darkness and....cotton? I struggled to breathe but I could still get air, I was confused what was going on till I felt a light pressure on my face, my hands moved to grab whatever was on my face and I heard a soft voice whisper,

"Mm what are you doing?"

I knew it was Wilbur's voice and I spoke out but it was muffled by the fabric, I had to push whatever it was off my face and once I did I realised it was only Wilbur's leg and that Wilbur was completely asleep. I chuckled and rolled my eyes before getting out of bed and skipping off to the kitchen to make pancakes.

Once I had made the pancakes I put them on a plate and bring them into my bedroom. Wilbur was still asleep so I put his pancakes on the bedside table and shook his shoulders lightly to wake him up. Once he was awake I pointed to the plate,

"Breakfast!" I grinned before sitting at my gaming desk and began eating. Wilbur started to nibble his pancakes too and before we could finish one pancake my phone goes off, I groaned remembering the events from yesterday. Lizzie... how could you do this, even drunk. I grabbed the phone and answered already knowing who it was going to be. I listened to Clay rant, I could hear him crying and all I could do was apologise to him and try get her to delete it if she hadn't already. I don't know what I can do to help but I know that my best friend is upset.

"Listen Clay, I'm going to book a flight to Florida and we are going to sort this all out. Okay?"

There was a long pause before he replied,

"...okay" He breathed out slowly, I could almost see his green eyes filled with tears, I could see his face stained with tears and it made me upset just thinking about it.

"I'm booking one right now, I will tell you when and such once it's been booked okay?" I spoke softly.

"Okay" he responded sounding less upset than before.

After a moment of silence he spoke again,

"(Y/N)..?" He sounded hesitant to speak

"Yes?" I replied almost immediately

"I can't wait to see you again" After he said that he hung up.

I removed the phone from my ear a small smile playing at my lips, I turned my computer on and went to book my flight,

"So Dream was calling you?" Wilbur started up a conversation to break the silence,

"Yeah, I'm going to get a flight over to Florida to see him" I spoke with a grin.

Once I had finished booking a flight I sent Clay a picture of my computer screen with all the details for when I'll be over how long I'll be staying and so on,

"When are you going?" Wilbur asked before taking another bite of his pancakes.

"Monday" I replied, I completely forgot we had our food but I wasn't really hungry anymore.

"Oh cool" He replied quietly.

"So, what shall we do today?"  He chirped putting his empty plate on the bedside table.

"Well I'm not really in the mood to go out and do productive things" I replied turning my computer off, I should be mailed the plane tickets and they should arrive tomorrow.

I smiled to myself knowingly.

"How about we have a chilled day? Watch movies in our pjs" he offered with a smile. I nodded before giggling.

"You don't have pjs with you" I laughed remembering what he previously used as pjs.  He paused for a moment,

"Can I borrow your car for a little while?" He asked.

"Sure but why?" I asked curiously

"I'm going to grab some clothes and my laptop" he spoke quickly.

"Your practically moving in with us" I joked with a smile.

He immediately looked guilty,
"I didn't mean to seem like that sorry" he apologised.

"Huh? Don't be sorry! I enjoy your company." I quickly said.

He smiled slightly, he looked awkwardly towards me so I sent him a reassuring smile as to let him know that I enjoy him being around.

"Oh the keys are hanging on the nail by the door for when you go to get your stuff" I told him with a smile.

"Okay thanks" He smiled standing up to walk out the room, he walked to the door and slipped his shoes off, I followed him and leaned on the sofa watching him get ready to leave.

"Alrighty I'm ready to go" he spoke up turning to me.
I nodded and walked over to him and gave him a tight hug.


So hey guys! I didn't realise it was like a week since my last update so sorry about that


The new fanfiction I wrote will start to be uploaded within the month of February:3 I hope you all enjoy it, any guesses on who it might be? And if your from discord and already know then shhhhhh

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