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You'd let me stay with you?

I got the notification and opened it immediately, I don't exactly know why but I got excited when the message came through.

Of course! I mean me and Wilbur have been looking for people to move in with us but you don't have to stay for long you could even just stay until you find your own place or whatever!

I wouldn't mind staying with you guys! It sounds fun and exciting and almost like a dream, living with my friends!

I'll tell Wilbur right away!

I leaped off the sofa running to Wilbur's room,

"Wilbur! Wilbur! Wilbur!!" I yelled bursting into his room.

He hummed in acknowledgment, he was at his computer streaming, him and his viewers had gotten used to me bursting into peoples rooms, so had Tommy and his fans. I guess it's kind of become my thing.

"I found us a roommate!" I squealed happily.

"You did?" Wilbur spun around in his chair a huge smile appearing on his face.

I seen him quickly muting his stream most likely to keep things on the down low on who would be moving in, he also turned his camera off so they couldn't read his lips,

"So who is it?" He questioned.

"Niki!" I beamed,
"The one who stalked me around the server" I spoke quickly while making little hand gestures as I spoke.

"Niki? That's amazing!" He agreed.

"Another friend!" I giggled before turning and leaving, shutting the door behind me as I skipped to Tommy's room he was not streaming to my luck,

"Tommy Niki is living with us, deal with it" I spoke the smile never leaving my face as I turned and skipped to my room sitting in my seat.

I got bored and did what any normal person does when they are bored...

I went on Twitter.

People were of course talking about the whole new roommate situation, a few trending hashtags were floating about,


(Y/n)SootInnit sounded a lot like a ship name but after a short amount of research I thankfully found it was just what they were calling us until they got a good name for our little group.

I followed Niki who was apparently already following me, I tweeted a picture of the cat sitting on the inside of my window.

'This cat randomly appears honestly'
-cat pic-

I got a lot of questions,

'You guys got a cat?!'
'You have a cat?'

'Join the cat cult'

That last one was from Dream aka Clayton.
I liked the tweet before responding a short,

I then closed Twitter and then scrolling through tiktok, I had an account that I never used, no followers or anything because no one looked and I didn't exactly post videos or anything. I liked a few fan videos without realising before the regret sinked in, I turned notifications off before it was to late before quickly shutting the app off.

No more tiktok for today.

I opened discord onto the DreamSmp chat,

(Y/n) you had a tiktok?!

You didn't know?

You knew?

Obviously 🙄🤚🏻

Oh- ok then-

(Y/n)!! He knew but I didn't?! This is so cruel!

I turned off discord with a small laugh before turning my phone off and putting it on charge before sitting on my bed. I wondered what I would make for dinner tonight as I lay back on my bed with a short sigh.

Pasta? Nah to plain.
Eggs, bacon and toast? Nah do that to often.
Cereal? No that is to much effort.
Spaghetti? Perfect it's pasta just not plain!

Spaghetti for dinner it is!

I smiled to myself with pride before letting out a yawn.

I went back on my phone, speaking of phones I've been using mine a lot more than normal today...eh maybe it's because of my new friend Niki!

Speaking of Niki...well thinking of Niki more like...I looked her up on twitch and I followed and such, she's pretty cute and she's so kind!

She had messaged me as well!

Was Wilbur alright with it?

Yup! So when can we get you here?

The earliest I can get there is 2 days but I get that it would be a bit soon.

Could you get your stuff packed and ready for then?

Uh probably a lot of my stuff is already packed because I've been planning on moving out for a few weeks now.

How long will it take to finish packing?

Uhh maybe tonight and an hour or so tomorrow.

Then let's get you here in 2 days!

I'm off to pack☺️☺️


I smiled to myself contently it was nice to know another girl that didn't seem toxic in any way was going to move in with me. I went back into tiktok to see I had 753k followers. I really liked having my secret account...I sighed with a soft chuckle.

I stood up from my bed sitting down immediately after with a groan, I had a jolting pain in my lower stomach, more of where my kidney would be found, it was like a sharp jolt. I took a few breaths before standing up again wincing at the pain,

"The fuck?" I mumbled wobbling to the calendar on my wall before I groaned from annoyance.  Why today? It was such a great day! Why did it have to happen now?!

I made my way to the bathroom with an angry look on my face. Tommy walked out his room and opened his mouth to speak,

"Not now Tommy. I'm angry." I spoke walking past him and into the bathroom shutting and locking the door behind myself.


Sup guys! I only wrote that last part because it hit me like a brick. Now I can barely move so I've written like 6 chapters! Enjoy! I'm gonna post more frequently as some people seem to dislike the time gaps between updates!
By the way if you DM me and I don't reply Wattpad doesn't send notifications for messages but I now check my DMs more frequently so feel free to dm me!


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