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Wilbur's POV

I walked into the bathroom with a smile and opened my suitcase, I pulled out a yellow hoodie and put it over the hook on the back of the door before quickly slipping off my shirt dropping it to the floor. I then took the hoodie off the hook and slipped it on. I then replaced the black jeans I had on with a pair of black and grey tracks. I looked into the mirror and ran a hand through my fluffy hair, I smiled before picking up the dirty clothes from the floor shoving them into the suitcase before shutting it. I unlocked the bathroom door before walking out and down the hallway back into the livingroom. I left the suitcase next to the sofa again before sitting next to (Y/N) who was sitting quietly, she was lost in thought either that or she was ignoring my existence.

"(Y/n)?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

She blinked before snickering,

"Wilbur?" She waved her hand in front of my face. I raised an eyebrow at her,

"Really?" I rolled my eyes pushing her hand away lightly. I took her hand in mine and pushed it onto the sofa keeping my hand on top of hers, I could see her face visibly flush red.

(Y/n) pov

I could feel my face burning, Wilbur had taken my hand in his and had his hand on top of mine. It was like something you would see in a movie but it was nice. I smiled slightly at the warm feeling in my hand and chest.

"So what movie should we watch?" He asked in a smug tone.

"Uh well we could watch anything you want" I spoke hesitantly with a sheepish grin.

He nodded standing up drugging me up with him,

"What are you doing?" I questioned as he started pushing my away from the sofa.

"I'm making a burrow!" He exclaimed excitedly as he moved blankets and pillows around the couch until it looked like a little burrow, I had to admit that it looked crazy comfortable,

"Ya like it?" He asked with a grin walking to where he had pushed me.

I nodded,
"Yeah it's amazing!" I beamed.

He took my hand and dragged me to the sofa carefully picking me up, when he picked me up I squeaked and held onto him like my life depended on it, he then put me into the burrow before getting into the burrow himself reaching over the edge pulling in a blanket for us to share before putting another blanket over our heads so it felt like we were actually in a burrow. It was amazing.

I was smiling like an idiot while Wilbur was spreading the blanket over us, I was so distracted by the burrow I didn't even realise that Wilbur was staring at me.

"You like it?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah! It's amazing" I breathed out.

"I'm glad you Like it" he chuckled as he opened Netflix on the tv and went straight to the horror section. I smiled nervously as he scrolled through the movies.


So another short chapter but two chapters in two days! So the reason for this chapter being uploaded now instead of being 1000 words as most people are wanting is that I had stated a while back that some point in February there was going to be a new book being posted and well it's March 1st and yaknow it's not been put up during February-

I just posted it now so enjoy that! :)


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