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Wilbur pov

I could feel my face going red as I looked out the window avoiding eye contact, I was so confident until Tommy pointed it out. Tommy was laughing slightly in the back before he dozed off again,

"Don't worry about it" (Y/N) Spoke sweetly.

She was so kind, it was kind of weird how nice she was but I liked it. I've only known her for a little while but I feel as if I've known her for years. I gazed at trees that we passed,

"Thanks for letting me stay with you guys tonight" I smiled, she couldn't see but it was fine.

"Its fine, we could use the company" She replied making a turn.

"We have another roommate as well, I thought I should let you know." She explained while pulling into the side and opening the door, Tommy was fast asleep in the back. She giggled opening the door Tommy was leaning on, she unbuckled his seat belt before picking him up. She shut the car door with her back, Tommy was much taller than her so it must've been difficult for her to carry him.

She walked to some stairs almost falling in the process, I chuckled before taking Tommy from her with a smile,

"Here I will take him, hes a bit big for you to carry" I told her a slight smirk playing at my face as we walked up the stairs  her face was tainted pink with embarrassment. She opened the door holding it open for me to bring him in. She shut the door once I was in and we walked,

"This way to Tommy's room" (Y/N) made her way down a hall opening a door and walking in, she pushed a bunch of clothes off the bed and opened the covers,

"Put him down then take his shoes off so we can leave the child" She instructed me and I did as asked.

She pulled the covers over him before getting up walking to the door switching the light off and waiting outside the room, I assumed she  was waiting for me and followed out, she shut the door and walked back down the hall and into the livingroom where a girl who must've been around 17 was sitting cross legged on the sofa, she glanced up as we walked in.

"Who's that?" She asked looking up at me from where she was sitting.

"This is Wilbur, hes staying tonight" (Y/N) explained sitting down on the other sofa, I followed her sitting down next to her. I was slightly uncomfortable as the girl stared at me for a while before speaking up again,

"I'm Anne." She states blankly before she looked back at her phone doing who knows what. (Y/N) rolled her eyes slightly and shook her head ever so slightly.

It was quite late now, it was dark outside. We had all been in complete silence for the 5 minutes we've been sitting here for,

"Did you manage to make dinner?"
(Y/N) asked fiddling with the cushion of the sofa,

"No. You know I can't cook and you've been out all damn afternoon." She spat angrily.

"Well you could've eaten something you don't need to cook." She grumbled standing up.

"Well it's not my job." Anne rolled her eyes.

"When you no longer live with someone who is going to cook for you everyday then what? Your just going to starve?" (Y/N) spoke with venom lacing her voice. She was definitely mad.

"Yes but I don't plan to leave anytime soon" Anne simply shrugs.

"Well Anne I can kick you out and the fact you have been glaring at me and being so moody at me lately is getting on my last nerve" (Y/N) was clearly trying not to yell she walked into the kitchen leaving me and Anne in the room together. She glanced at me, her eyes showed no sign of guilt or sadness.

"How do you know her?" Her voice was bitter and mean now.

"Twitch and Tommy" I replied, I kept it short and simple not really wanting to get into a huge conversation, her eyes softened at the mention of Tommy,

"What's Tommy like?" She wondered.

"A little shit" I replied blankly, she gave a slight glare before nodded going back to her phone once again.

(Y/N) came back through with a plate and placed it on the sofa next to Anne before walking back into the room with two more plates, she gave one to me before keeping the last one for herself. She sat down and smiled at me,


I nodded with a smile before taking a bite. It was amazing! I haven't had a good cooked meal in ages, especially not this good! I made an 'mmmm' sound and I heard (Y/N) giggle. I glanced at her to see her smiling to herself before taking another bite of her food.

After a while they finished and (Y/N) takes all three of the plates to the kitchen putting them in the sink walking back through.

"Don't forget the dishes" She said before gesturing to me to follow.

I did as she wanted getting up and following her, she walked into what I assume to be her bedroom.

She cleared her bed before gesturing me to sit, I sat down and she sat in her game chair,

"So you can have my bed and I will take the sofa, I can't be bothered to make up another bed" She smiled sleepily.

"Nah I will take the sofa I'm the one intruding" I shook my head.

"No your in the bed"

"No your on the bed!"

This went on for a while before I got bored of it,

"Let's just both sleep in it." I retort, she blushed slightly,

"A-Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah" I shrugged with a smile.

"Okay well I will get changed, if you want you can slip into Tommy's room to find something to wear" she told me before grabbing her green hoodie and short shorts. She walked out me tailing behind I stopped at Tommy's door and she continued to walk to the bathroom, once in she changed into her pjs. I went into Tommy's room and picked out some shorts that would fit, nothing else would've fit me so I left the room shutting the door behind me as quietly as possible, (Y/N) Walked out the bathroom and it looked as if she wasn't wearing any shorts, I knew she was as I seen her taking them to the bathroom with her but it didn't look as if she did...


Hey guys, sorry it took too long to get this out! I was wondering if you guys wanted any smut or anything in particular to happen? Other than Anne getting kicked out because you all seem to hate her, she wasn't intended to he the character you all hated though!  So enjoy this for now! Love you all goodnight/morning!! ❤❤


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