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After a while of talking Wilbur tapped my shoulder lightly so I did what anyone would've done, I turned my head to face him. He looked nervous about whatever he was going to say or do,

"Can I ask a question I'm sure Tommy wants the answer to as well" He asks after a moment of debating how to say it.

"Sure?" I tilted my head to the side with confusion, a slight smile playing at my lips.

"Why did Anne kiss you before she left?" He spoke quickly.

"She did what!?" Tommy yelled almost standing up, a couple people glanced over at you guys and Tommy looked down with embarrassment.

I blinked. Then I started to laugh quietly.

"What's funny?" Both Tommy and Wilbur asked at the same time before giving each other weird looks.

"It's a part of her culture, her mother is french and it's something she was brought up doing. I remember being confused when she did it the first time." I explained while giggling.

Wilbur looked slightly embarrassed about the question while Tommy was in awe.

"That makes sense.." Wilbur nodded before going back to his drink, his cheeks flushed.

I sipped my drink contently smiling to myself.

Once we had all finished eating and drinking I called for the check, Aron came over and told us it was on the house as I worked there. I knew he would tell us it was on the house. We walked out smiling, I knew it was wrong to go to work on days off with friends for free food but hey he said on the house. We made our way back home once in I unlocked the door and held it open for Wilbur and the gremlin,

"So now what would you like to do?" I asked them both as I shut the door behind them.

"Well I'm going out with Tubbo soon so I'm going to get ready" Tommy stated before walking down the hall to his room.


So uh ik this is a short chapter but I felt really bad about posting something that wasn't a chapter so I published this one before it was finished and stuff so enjoy the short ass chapter! Everything to do with the discord is on my wall/Conversation thingy on my account:3


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