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Hey (Y/N)! You ready to stream?

Yeah just logged on!

I got a discord call notification on my computer screen so I answered,

"HELLO!!" I heard Wibur yell I jump in my seat before I replied.

"Hey Will!" I smiled to myself before putting mincraft back up on the screen keeping discord open in the background.

"Okay so before we start our streams what do you wanna do on stream?"

"Well I don't particularly mind, did you have anything in mind?"

"Actually yeah, I was gonna ask if we could play bedwars?"

His voice is so smooth.

I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me,

"Yeah bedwars sound good!"

"Okay, bedwars means we can talk while we play" He spoke calmly.

"Alrighty, I will start streaming now" I told him before muting my mic starting my stream.

"Hey everyone! Today we will be playing some Minecraft Bedwars with Wilbur Soot!" I spoke happily.

The chat said things like,

'Your the girl that lives with TommyInnit!'

'Oh no Mr Simp!'


I Unmuted my mic and got into a party with Wilbur before getting into a game of bedwars, we were team Yellow,

"(Y/N) you cover the bed and I will go take out the team next to us" Wilbur instructed

"On it!" I agreed before buying some wood and covering the bed as best as I could.

I decided to make it kinda like a maze so it was harder for anyone to find the bed, after a couple minutes I heard Wilbur screeching as he ran back to the base I could hear his keyboard clicking.

"Wilbur are you okay?" I asked as I took out my sword and went over in the direction he left in to see him being chased by 2 players who were hitting him as he ran, I went over to Wilbur and helped him kill the players by knocking them off the bridge,

"How did that happen?" I asked while laughing under my breath

"I didn't see the other guy and I got ambushed!" He exclaimed while chuckling.

"Seriously?" I laughed before shaking my head with a smile, we went back to the base to see Green breaking through the maze of wood,

"Greens at our base" I said before sprinting over and hitting the player they had a better sword than me but I kept hitting them and they killed me, I waited a couple seconds listening to Wilbur scream before I was able to play again. I grabbed Iron and gold before buying upgrades to my sword I went back to where they were to see they had dented into the maze by alot and I started to hit them alot before Wilbur joined me.
We won the fight and then continued to upgrade and get diamonds and emeralds. We had been talking throughout the entire match at one point the talk got into relationships,

"I don't really think much about getting into relationships honestly but what about you? Is the oh so amazing Mr. Soot taken?" I asked teasingly.

"Well I don't really do many relationships so I'm Lonley right now" He informed his pitch changing slightly higher at the end as he fell off the edge of a island.

"Ookay then" I glanced at my chat seeing a bunch of people calling me or Wilbur simps or some people saying ship I smiling slightly at this shaking my head before putting my attention back to the game.

After we played for a bit longer we won, I heard Wilbur cheering loudly and I giggled while smiling widely,

"Wanna play again?" Wilbur asked cheerily


So we did, we played bedwars for around 2 hours before we both started to get tired even if it was only 6PM, so we stayed in the lobby and just talked for a while,

"So I'm guessing you live Somewhere in london then?" He asked completely randomly and off topic

"Oh uh Yeah!" I said kinda taken aback by the question

"I actually already knew, Tommy is only aloud to come meet me with a grownup and he said you would sooo" He said sounding slightly guilty,

I was quiet for a moment before laughing shortly he started to laugh to,

"Well guys ik gonna end the stream here for the day, good night or morning!" Wilbur said before I heard a *beep* meaning the stream turned off,

"Well guys I guess it's time for me to end off today as well have a lovely day or night wherever you are" I said before I turned mine off *beep*

"Well (Y/N), see you soon!" He said before the call ended. I turned my PC and stuff off before getting up and collapsing on my bed and scrolling through twitter after awhile I turned my phone off and put it on charge before getting up and going into the kitchen and starting to cook something for dinner,

Time skip till dinner is cooked

I put the macaroni onto plates and put them on the table before putting cutlery and sauces in the middle.

"DINNER IS READY!!" I Yelled after a few seconds Anne came in

"Hey" she said giving a small wave before sitting down, we waited for Tommy but he never came, so I started to walk to the exit of the kitchen

"Where are you going?" Anne said sharply.

"To get Tommy?" I turned with an eyebrow raised

"Okay, hurry up" She rolled her eyes.

I continued towards his room pushing the door open,

"I said dinners ready." I stated before noticing he was streaming,
"I will bring it through" I sighed before walking out the room hurring to Tommy's room putting his food next to him, he muted his stream before speaking

"You can come in here and join me while I stream and eat" He offered and I smiled

"Yeah sure I will go get my food" I skipped out the room going back to the kitchen grabbing my food

"Where are you going now?" Anne asked

"Oh I'm gonna go eat with Tommy while he streams" I explained

"Oh, okay" she gave me a glare as I walked out

Okay guys so updates seem to be really slow lately and I'm sorry about that, also I don't know I put a word count because i dont even understand word counds lmao

Word count-1074

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