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Wilbur's POV

Me and (Y/N) watched Tommy walk away, once he had went into his room she turned to me with a bright smile.

"Just you and me then" she chirped. She put her hands behind her back linking her hands together before turning and waking to the kitchen, I followed behind her not really knowing what I should do.

"Okay so what shall we do?" She asked as she hopped up onto the counter, she sat on the counter one of her knees up to her chest the other dangling of the edge.

"Whatever you want to do" I leaned against the table in front of her with a smile.

"That doesn't help" She shook her head while she laughed.

"Well it's your house so you should decide"

"But your the guest so you should decide"

"Well uh, I don't know what there is to do here" I was running out of ideas on why not to chose what to do.

It was quiet for a moment before her eyes lit up and her smile widened,

"Let's bake a cake!" She grinned and slid off the counter to stand in front of me, now that she was standing in front of me I realised how short she was compared to me,

"Yeah sure" I nodded snapping out of my thoughts.

She clapped in excitement before turning quickly and opening the cabinets taking out flower, sugar and vanilla extract before opening the fridge and taking out butter and eggs along with milk and grabbing salt off the top of the fridge. She put them all down before grabbing a large bowl and a spoon. She then turned to me again,

"Let's bake this cake!" She was bouncing up and down slightly her face filled with smiles and joys. I chuckled and nodded.

"Okay so I don't have scales so we are gonna wing it" she stated before grabbing the flour and dumping a fairly large amount in the bowl before grabbing the sugar and pouring an even bigger amount in,

"Uh that's a bit much don't you think?" I questioned uncertainly.

"It'll be fine" she sounded unsure as she spoke.

She used the spoon and put a chunk of butter in before pouring a small amount of vanilla extract and cracking 2 eggs in, she did that surprisingly well seeing as she practically smashed the egg into the side of the bowl. Once all the ingredients were in the bowl she mixed them with the spoon she had used for putting the butter in the bowl, after a while of mixing and the lumps just getting bigger as she got more frustrated. I chuckled to myself while watching her frustratedly mix the lumpy mess,

"What's so funny" she looked at me with a slight glare.

"Your struggling so much" I laughed quietly.

"If you think it's so easy you do it!" She moved away from the bowl and motioned me towards the bowl, I smirked walking to the bowl taking the spoon before mixing the ingredients with ease. I picked the bowl up and turned to her smugly while mixing the bowl. She huffed crossing her arms looking away, her face tinted red from embarrassment.

"See not that hard" I grinned.

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes jokingly with a scoff.

We looked at each other for a while before we both burst out laughing. After a moment the mixing was done and I put the bowl down.

Tommy walked into the room,

"That's me off to see Tubbo now, his parents are outside to pick me up" he spoke quickly his hand staying behind the door,

Wilbur x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now