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I started to say goodbye to the thousands of people watching before saying bye to Clay,

"Bye everyone stay Icy!" I smiled into the facecam,
"Goodbye to you as well Dream!"  I said before ending the stream, once it was over I said a more proper goodbye to Clay and then ended call with him, I saved my game before leaving and turning off my PC and so on, I took my headset off leaving it abandoned on the desk before standing up stretching then picking my phone up seeing that it was now 3:58PM I plugged my phone in to charge before walking to the door unlocking it before exiting the room.

Time skip like 5 minutes to when your outside waiting for your roomie :).

Me and Anne were chatting about how our roommate might be like, the conversation was half hearted, I only really became interested when she mentioned he was a streamer as well,

"Now you have to deal with two people screaming for hours on end" I giggled finding it amusing.

"Oh god please save me" she mocked with a raised eyebrow.

"Pff" I laughed finding this funny.

"Plus, I heard he is pretty hot" Anne stated with a grin.

"Well a perfect couple in the making" I joked, I didn't know if it would offend her, making a joke about her and the new guy but I hoped it didn't.

"What is this high school all over?" She laughed with fake mockery.

It's sad to think I'm not friends with Anne but I don't think that's what she wants, she wants someone to joke with but not someone she needs to make attachments with. So that's exactly what I am.

A van pulled up and a young boy stepped out with a bag he waved at us as an older man got out and pulled a couple suitcases out the back of the van leaving them on the sidewalk, the boy walked over to us,

"Uhh Hey, I'm Tommy." He grinned eagerly.

"Hey Tommy!" I smiled trying to match his excitement while Anne looked him up and down inspecting every inch of him before smiling,

"Hey Tommy, I'm Anne and that girl there is (Y/N)" She looked Tommy in the eyes calmly. After a moment she broke eye contact looking at the older man who was standing arms crossed at the van, Tommy turned around and ran over to the man giving him a quick hug,

"Bye dad!" He smiled waving while the man got into the van and drove off. Tommy turns to the suitcases picking one up and starting to carry it upstairs, me and Anne walked over to some of the other ones picking one up each and walking inside the house we took the suitcases to Tommy's room leaving them in his room, Tommy had to wait in the living room for us to come and tell him where his room was but once he found that out he was good to go, it only took around 15 minutes to get everything upstairs and Anne offered to help him unpack and he accepted happily. So I was left to do whatever.

I headed back to my room and checked my phone I had some Twitter notifications and a couple discord ones, I opened Twitter first and seen that I had a couple people follow me, I had some average fans follow me but I had some other people follow me too,
I had a follow from Dream that of what I expected but I had some from other streamers and youtubers that I wasn't too familiar with,

GeorgeNotFound has followed you
Sapnap has followed you
TubboLive has followed you
Fundy has followed you

I didn't know those people but I followed them all back regardless,
I then went onto my Discord to see I had been invited to a server named,
DreamSMP and another one called, Streamers Unite!
I entered both chats before closing discord and turning my phone off, I spawlled out on my bed closing my eyes, almost drifting into sleep before my door was slammed open, I sat upright looking the door to see Anne standing there,

"(Y/N), How do I set up a streaming set or whatever it's called?" She rushed her words.

"What on earth are you talking about?" I asked as politely as I could.

"Tommy is a streamer and needs help setting his gear up and I need you to tell me how to do it!" She whined.

"Why don't I just come in and help you guys?" I offered

"I guess you could do that...come on hurry up then." She sighed rushing me to hurry up.

I got up and followed her to Tommy's room and we walked inside, all of Tommy's cables were tangled up and everywhere, I sighed before walking over to the mess and started to untangle the wires.

"What are you doing with the wires (Y/N)?" Anne asked irritated

"Untangling the wires. No wonder you couldn't get the thing set up the wires are so tangled!" I huffed continuing to untangle the wires.

After about 10 minutes of me attempting to untangle the wires they were done, I plugged things into the wall before getting them all in place similar to how mine was set leaving his headset tidy hanging on the side of the computer I then set up his gaming chair pushing it to the Desk, I then plugged his facecam and microphone in before turning to them with a small smile,

"Done!" My small smile turned into a grin.

"How did you do that so fast?!" Tommy yelled shocked.

Anne rolled her eyes ushering me to leave, so I did. I went back to my room shutting the door behind me. I could already tell that Tommy was gonna be a pain. I got a text from Anne asking me to make dinner for everyone tonight and I agreed, I was probably the best cook on our street. It's the one thing I'm truly good at other than just being flat out stupid.

I closed my eyes and turned onto my side slowly drifting into slumber.


Hey guys lookie look!! Second chappy wappy lol. So I don't think Anne and Tommy will get together I might add some random Tommy ship into this but idk. Defo not Anne x tommy in with just noooo never lol.

Words: 1077

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