This was always the worst part of the day. No matter what we had to do that very day, THIS was the scariest.
And we had done everything. We had been the cause of arson. We had stolen. We had hurt people...not to the point of death. Damaged property and i had never come out of it without the heaviest weight laying on my conscience.
But, this was the worst of all.
"Aye! You've had enough. My turn...i need a drag" Bee complained at Christian. He took one long sniff of the...substance then shivered and rubbed his nose. Crack cocaine.
We were all sat on the floor in a silent circle getting high. Every night we did this, every night i began to take more. I liked it.
"Here." Bee nudged me, Willing the half rolled paper to me.
"Take. It." Darla gritted her teeth.
"...i dont really feel like it. I feel kinda sick today" i lied, rubbing my forehead.
"It'll make you feel better...i promise" Christian did that flirty smile. The smile that turned me on. Oh, God Dammit.
"No seriously. I can- um...i just cant." I stood up.
"...Nadine. dont be a pussy. You're part of us? You do all the shit we do. If you can't then piss off and dont come back." Joey said.
Everytime he said that, i wanted to leave and i couldn't. This dusty old apartment was better than living on the street.
I felt light-headed but i wanted more. My nose felt itchy.
"Haha! Look. She loves it" Darla bit her lip.
They all agreed and laughed.
"See? It's good isnt it ? I dont know why you always make up excuses when you love it this much"
"Excuse me." I quickly left the room and walked into the bathroom.
Why is this happening to me?
Why did my parents die.
Why did i run away from that foster home.
Why did i run into THEM.
Why am i doing this. At 19?
Why cant i run away.
Because i dont know where to go...or who to run to.
My nose felt itchy again. I've only known these people two weeks and i felt like shit. I'd only lived with them for 2 weeks and i felt like leaving them. I don't want this.
The only person i truly liked was Bee. She understood at first. I only did what they asked me so i could eat and sleep comfortable. Now im sick of it.
The tears pricked in my eyes and i couldn't breathe.
I walked back into the front room...back to my 'friends' sitting in a circle with some vodka.
I walked in hearing Christian and Joey woop. What the-?
They were watching Darla and Bee making out. Um.
I decided to leave them and left the apartment. The fresh californian breeze hit me. Well...kinda fresh. Fresher than the house for sure.
I began to i was being chased and my tears ran down my face, hitting my lips...salt.
I ran along down the path, past the valley and into the more 'wealthy' areas.
Halfway along one of the streets, i wiped my tears deciding they were too much.
My shoulder hit a body. Crap. Ow. I wiped my face quickly and looked up, ready to apologize to whoever i just walked into.
"... Crap. Im sorry" a deep voice with a hint of raspiness said. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes.
"Oh hi..." He then added in a much lower voice. I was speechless. Jaden...Smith? I examined his face to make sure he was the dude at the gas station.
"Um...are you okay?"
"Yeah i guess" i smiled INSIDE. He's features were beautiful.
"Oh thats good. Amnesia would be pretty awkward at this point" he chuckled and ran his hand through the curly top of his hair.
"Why?" I stupidly asked.
"You don't know who i am? ...seriously?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Am i meant to?"
"...SERIOUSLY? Look at me." He striked a neutral pose so i would be able to identify who he was. It was funny.
" sorry. I dont know." I shrugged, walking away in embarassment.
"Have you ever seen after earth?" He stood in front of me. I'd seen a trailer, yes.
"Whats that?" I scratched the back of my head. He opened his mouth in disbelief. He's too gorgeous.
"Will Smith?" He attempted.
"Yeah i know who he is." I looked down.
"Never mind. Are you okay?" He noticed me wiping my eyes.
"...yeah. hayfever." I sniffed, even more embarassed.
"Diggy!" A short person in the distance called and he looked back.
"Hold up!" He yelled back.
"Diggy. Huh." I muttered.
"Its kinda my nickname"
Thanks for telling me...?
" gonna go now" i walked away awkwardly.
"Bye Nadine" he said behind me.
SERIOUSLY. HOW...does he know my name?
END of Chapter 2.
I have so many plans for this story.
Anyways. Yeah.

FanfictionThe life of a lost youth with the wrong decisions finally comes to an end. The tragedy of a childhood is the base of all. Love becomes the answer to all and a lengthy moment of rehabilitation is needed... You know what they say : Old habits die har...