"Look. It's not hidden behind her properly." Sally muttered to the bald guy in the techinal team. He nodded and approached me.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sally sat opposite me in her apartment.
At that point, i would prefer to have a hole swallow me up.
"No. Im fucking scared."
She was taken aback by my cursing.
"Trust me, i know how you feel" it had been 13 days since Jaden came back from New York.
Tonight was....THE NIGHT. I cant come to terms with the fact that by the end of this night...this life i've been living...
will be over. I'd be free from every illegal thing i've commited. But where would i go? How am i meant to restart my life?
How can you do this Nadine? They've taken you in...put a roof over your head and you're attempting to send them to Jail,
for perhaps, the rest of their lives?
ACTUALLY...everyone who is my FRIEND right now...will hate me. Christian, Joey, Darla and Bee will loathe me.
Jaden'll hate me...for lying to him. I shrugged my thoughts away and back to the present. There was another detective
talking to sally while the technical team were testing cameras.
"Okay. Everyone's ready"
I got up and drew my ...very flattering dress to roll further down.
"Do i look...okay?" I stepped forward.
"Amazing. Now come on." She held me by my elbow and we left her apartment, headed down the lobby and into the elevator.
Moments later, i had reached the front of my hours-away-from-not-existing home.
"He should be here now" i whispered.
"No. He has a few minutes more." Detective Sally's voice leaked through the microphone chip in my ear. I'm glad my hair
was down, curled and sprawling over my shoulders, completely covering my ears.
I turned behind me, where he's call came from. There he was, walking down the sidewalk, both hands in his pocket...wow...
he's so...attractive.
"I like what i see." He finally approached and pulled me into his arms, kissing my hair.
"Hey." Was all i said.
He smells REALLY good.
"You hungry?" He let go of me.
I nodded and we continued walking down the road.
"You've got it bad." Sally chuckled. I froze. I forgot she had heard everything.
"Are we walking?" This is ridiculous.
"No. My car's down here."
We had finally arrived at the restaraunt.
Jaden held out his arm, for me to cling to as we walked in and was shown to a table for two.
"It's okay. I know you missed me." I grinned over at Jaden across the table.
"Well if i knew THIS new Nadine, i'd definitely miss her" he took a sip of his wine.

FanfictionThe life of a lost youth with the wrong decisions finally comes to an end. The tragedy of a childhood is the base of all. Love becomes the answer to all and a lengthy moment of rehabilitation is needed... You know what they say : Old habits die har...