Chapter 7; :It's called BAD associaion."

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"I fucking hate you" my back slid down against the bathroom wall and i sat down, arms wrapped around my legs.

Bee washed a dishcloth in the sink.

"Im sorry." Was all she said. After helping me rinse out my mouth, she leaned down and applied the cloth onto my jaw. I winced at the pain of the cold water.

"Shit...can you MOVE your jaw?"

"I cant" even my words were slurred.

"Theres a deep cut..." She used another side of the dishcloth onto my jaw. More tears ran down my face.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't take Jaden's money. " i cried.

"I know i know" she began crying too. She got up again to rinse the dishcloth.

"Why does he hate me so much?"

"He doesnt HATE you...He's just one of those people that can't take a no, i guess" she shrugged.

"So what am i meant to do?" I leaned my head back and hit the wall.

"I dont know. Im tired of this too." She threw the cloth.

"What about...?" I started...

"PLEASE. Not again." She put her hand over her head.

"But we could if w-"

"SERIOUSLY NADINE. I mean, where do you actually expect us to go?"

My Jaw started aching again...this time, it was worse.

"I dont know, i'd rather be anywhere else"

"Seriously? You'd rather live on the streets, you'd rather not have food and clothes to wear? Bullshit." She stopped leaning on the sink.

Everything came back to me.

They all expected me to take Jaden's money?

What if i ACTUALLY like him? Why does noone care about how I FEEL?

My 'better' life flashed before my eyes.

What if my parents hadn't died? Where would i be right now? I'd probably have a job, i guess.

I would've made something of my life. I wouldn't feel worthless. I'd have friends that ACTUALLY care about me.

" have to do it. You have no option." Bee announced.

"I will." I lied. "Bee?"


"You....never told me what happened to did you end up here?"

She stared blankly at me, as if i didn't just ask her a question.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She sat down next to me on the floor.


" dad...he ...was violent...he got drunk and things worse" she placed her head between her knees so she was staring down and not at me.

"How ...worse?" That didn't even make sense...but she understood.

"Like...violent relationship worse. He hit my mum too many times. So much, that we ran away"

A long pause filled the room.

"She couldn't take it anymore. He would come home drunk and just beat her, sometimes...she'd start bleeding. She was in too much pain. So the night she told me we had to leave him, i didn't hesistate. I was 12." She sniffled, so i rubbed her back.

"My mom and I went to my grandmother's, but she didn't want us. So mom took as much money as she could from Dad's bank...she left him bankrupt and we bought a house...she died a few months after."

I gasped quietly but she heard me.

"Internal bleeding. And a partial stroke." She was crying on crying.

"Im sorry?"

"I guess we're just unlucky." She lay her head on my shoulder.

"We're going to do it"


"Come on" i got up and helped HER get up and we went back to the front room where everyone else was muttering.

"Jaden... and his money... I'll do it." I took a deep breath.

"I knew she'd come around" Darla smirked.



How was thattt?! Omfg, i cant wait to WRITE the next few parts. Dont worry, Jaden WILL be more involved ofcourse. Just had to give ya'll the basics. AND the parts WILL get longer. i write it on my phone so i dont really KNOW.

Feedback is appreciated guisee :)      

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