Inheritance and Justice and for All

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It would be the first time I ever saw Gram cry. True, I've only known her a few months, but I honestly didn't think it was possible. She found a letter in the diaper bag along with the birth certificate, social security card and vaccination record. Apparently, Monica was planning on leaving the baby behind. What kind of mother does that? Seriously the what the ever-loving frick is wrong with people? Gram gave the letter to Jams saying, "You know what to do."

"Yes ma'am." He left the room quickly.

May put her arm around Gram for comfort. "If someone needs a beat down, I'll volunteer to do it." She said flatly.

I pictured May knocking that fat girl out which made me giggle. At this point I would've volunteered to knock her out too. I hugged the baby a little closer. Gram kept her eyes on the baby in my arms as she responded to May's offer. "Thanks Maybe. But that won't be necessary. Will you call Darren? We will need a car seat to take the little one home and I remember saying he had an extra one in the garage."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Aren't you gonna get a hold of your sister?" I asked. "Maybe she doesn't know Monica left the baby behind."

"That woman isn't getting anywhere near this child." She growled. She blinked away her tears, squared her shoulders and stalked off towards the side room Jams had gone into. 'That woman?' Something tells me the shiznit is about to hit the fan and for once, I wasn't the one to throw it.


The lawyers sat on opposing sides of a large oval conference table in the main meeting room of the estate lawyer. Pastor Marquee, the widower sat at the end of the table with the estate lawyer, Mr. Markin to his right on the side. Janice and Joshua sat on the side next to the estate lawyer, while Clarise sat with her own lawyer, Mr. Brighten. Clarise's lawyer began with listing off the known properties and assets that were in question with regards to dispersal. "The mansion in Boston should be sold as none of the heirs live there. The money can be divided three ways. That is between the three legitimate heirs. It is in my client's opinion that, though..." He shuffled through his papers, "that um... ah, yes. Gertrude Ramona Annalise Marquee..."

"Gram," Interrupted The widower. "She goes by Gram."

The lawyer looked at him and continued unphased by the comment. "We feel that, though Gertrude is their half-sister, she was conceived in illegitimacy and therefore not entitled to their mother's estate."

"Mr. Brighten," Interjected Mr. Markin. "If you will allow me? Mrs. Marquee had dissolved and disposed of all properties and assets that she had inherited from her parents more than a decade ago. There is nothing left to sell. There is no mansion in Boston. No holdings in Boeing, Johnson Pharmaceuticals or Amazon. All stocks, bonds and mutual funds were liquidated years ago. Jewelry and personal possessions have been either sold or donated. There is nothing to left of her inheritance or estate that she acquired prior to her marriage to Mr. Marquee to negotiate."

"What?!" Clarise yelled. "You're saying she spent it all? That she left nothing for us?!"

"Figures! Selfish woman." Janice snipped

"Told y'all she would do that." Snapped Joshua. "We've treated her like crap for forty years. What did we really expect?"

"Indeed." Agreed Mr. Markin. "But your mother was a generous and forgiving woman. She did in fact leave something for you. She set up a trust fund for each of you. They are not small funds to say the least, but in order to receive them you must sign a form stating that you have no interest in her current estate that she has built with Mr. Marquee. In other words. The trust is all you will ever get. You will not have any claim on anything that she and Mr. Marquee have built or acquired together."

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