The Truth is in the Eyes

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"Well, maybe if you held your head up, you'd see what and or who is in front of you!" I ran into Jimmy again. It seems to be a routine for me. I absent mindedly run into him and he chews me out for it. Apparently, I like getting yelled at by him. I just keep my head down, so I don't say something snarky in return. But I really, really want to. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

"I would if you were actually talking to me instead of yelling down at me."

"I can't help that you're short."

Short? Did he just say that out loud? 5'8" isn't short. What a jerk. Is it may fault this is a family of giants? "Are you always this much of an asshole, or is today a special occasion?"

"You, Missypants, are the special one." He raised an eyebrow of victory.

Missypants?! He called me Missypants?? I hate Missypants. Only Jude calls me that. Not Mr. Jimmy Joe John Boy! I snapped back at him with as much sarcasm as I could muster. "And I suppose I just bring out the best, or rather, the worst in you?"

"Something like that, yeah."

"Yeah, well... You're not much taller than me, shorty. I can look you in the eye with tiptoeing."

"Yes, well... At least you're looking up now." I tried to think of a good comeback, but my mind went blank when he smiled. He's never smiled at me before. So, it's more of a smirk, but still he's never done that before. I was caught off guard. I sighed in frustration, pursed my lips, and just glared at him. "Now you can watch where you're going." He said as he passed by me.

"Jerk!" I muttered as he left.

"It's genetic." He called back all sing songy like. I just need to figure out where he sleeps so I can put peanut butter and chicken feathers in his bed.

I headed out the door to find Mackerel, convinced he would know where Jimmy rested his head. I found Gram instead. Nearly tripped over her on the porch step. "Pick your head up child." She chided. "Take some pride in your step."

"Don't you mean, watch where I am going so, I don't hurt anyone?"

"I saw you. You wouldn't have hit me." She winked at me. "By the way. Mackerel is off today. His wife is having their baby as we speak. What do you need him for?"

No Mackerel? That's unfortun... wait. What? "I didn't say I needed him." Seriously woman. Sometimes you're just creepier than creepy.

"You didn't?" That knowing smile of hers plastered to her face. "My mistake. Well, carry on with your chores then. Melinda should be bringing Bethany home in about an hour."

Just then a black car pulled up to the step with an Asian man sitting in the passenger seat. He rolled the window down as it came to a stop. "Mom! Surprise!" He smiled as he bailed out of the car and hugged a very surprised Gram. "I know we should've called but Missy Ann wanted it to be a surprise." He kissed her cheek and hugged her again.

Gram was speechless. The man was giddy as a kid in a candy store. I was immediately hit with the question of how she ended up with and Asian son but dismissed it almost as quickly when I remembered how Jams came to be considered her son. I'd get the story later, no doubt. My thought train was interrupted by Gram's frantic voice. "Chores Magpie. Now!" I wanted to be angry and argue. I wanted to know why I couldn't at least greet this new uncle of mine. I wanted to say something, anything, but my attention was directed to the woman who had just stepped out of the car. A middle-aged woman of modest height, dark hair and black/brown eyes. I know my eyes were the size of saucers when I looked at her. She glanced in my direction and gave me the biggest smile I've seen so far. "Now," Gram said pulling me by arm. "You can meet the company later. Now go!"

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