Bye-Bye Dreadlocks

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Waking up to the smell of bacon has got to be the closest thing to Heaven there is. Well, one of the closest. Waking up next to... yeah, I'm not gonna finish that thought. He's too old for me right now. And I'm too young for anyone. Bacon will have to be enough for now. Bacon is good. Bacon is my friend. And pancakes. I love pancakes. With gravy of course. Man, I'm hungry.

Bethany had already gone down for breakfast by the time I got the twins dressed and fed. Packing them up and down the stairs by myself makes me want a ground level room. They are getting so big that it is getting difficult to carry them at the same time. Gram usually comes up to carry one of them for me, but for whatever reason, she didn't come up this morning. Alexis met me at the bottom the stairs and took Jackie for me which is odd. She hasn't ever been here for breakfast before. "Hey," I said. "Where's your mom? Or Gram?"

Her eyes evaded contact as she answered. "Oh, something came up they had to take care of. Farm stuff. Don't worry." There was a sadness in her tone. I wanted to press her for more information but figured Gram would tell me when she was ready to. We put the twins in their play pen and went to breakfast. None of the normal adults were at the breakfast table. Instead, I was eating in the company of Melinda and her girls, Alexis and Backus which was nice, but weird. There wasn't any gravy for the pancakes. Grr. I can't eat pancakes without gravy. I guess bacon and eggs it is.

With breakfast eaten and cleaned up, I was able to play with the twins a bit before their nap. Brittany had come to pick up Bethany for a few hours like she did every Tuesday and Thursday. Alexis and Backus went home after setting lunch up in the slow cooker as did Melinda and the girls which left me alone with the twins.

Solitude used to be enjoyable. I spent most of my growing up years home alone while Mother worked, and I learned to enjoy it. I'd sketch or read or write short stories. The last ten months here, I haven't a moment to myself. There has always someone in the house or up in my face about something. There is always something going on and I guess I've gotten used it because this solitude is kind of freaking me out.

I'd go see what the 'farm stuff' was, but there is no way I'd leave the twins in the house alone, even for nap time. So, rather than let my curiosity chew me up, I decided it was best to join the twins and take a nap. Or as my mind would have it, I lay down in my room and daydream about Josh. I wonder if Jude would like him. Wait. Why do I care? It's not like I need his permission. Well, the twins are his... So, it's not like he's in the picture. I don't know if he'll ever be in the picture.

His last letter said his grandmother had hired a lawyer that got him sentenced to rehab, rather than prison, which I guess is good. He said he had to go back to Reno for rehab which his grandmother didn't like. He is supposed to be there for six to eighteen months depending on how well he does. He won't be able to write me or anyone else while he is there. I hope that girlfriend he mentioned is one that is willing to wait for him.

He said the good news is that his dad was convicted of seven counts of first-degree murder along with all the other things he was charged with and that the state was asking for the death penalty. Though he hadn't been sentenced at the time Jude wrote the letter, I'm hoping he got it. Gram would say that's a bad way of thinking; that everyone is savable as long as they draw breath. He can get saved. I don't care. I just think he should get back what he gave is all.

Okay, Melissa. Stop it. You don't need to be thinking about Jude, Josh or any other guy. You got bigger issues going on. Thanksgiving is next week, then Christmas and New Year's. Blink and your year here will be over. Now that Mom lives in her old house with Jimmy, I know I will be staying on the property. I just don't know if I will be staying with Gram or Mom. I miss Mom, but I think I prefer Gramma. She has taught me a lot and includes me in everything she does. Well, except for whatever they're doing today.

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