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I woke up to the sun shining in my face and the smell of bacon permeating my sinuses.  Hunger stabbed my belly, beckoning me to go search out the source of the glorious odor.  I stretched under my covers and raised myself up to a seated position.  I quickly scanned the room I was looking for clothes I could change into or at least  a robe I could cover these bunny print...  Wait.  I looked down at my pajamas and noticed they were not light pink bunny print but black with neon green paw prints.  How and when they got changed, I don't know. Truth be told, I don't really know what day it is.  The last thing I remember is trying to close the window last night.  I ran to the window and found a normal window, no bars. Stupid nightmares are getting too real.

'Good Lord, I'm going to lose my mind here.'  Not finding any clothing, I wrapped myself up in a black robe I had found hanging off the end of the bed and headed through the bedroom door.  I stepped into a hallway not really having any idea where to go.  To my left was a hallway with several rooms on either side of it.  To my right was a shorter hallway with a bathroom at the end of it. Right in front of me just a bit to my right was stairs that ended in a large foyer.  I assumed the smell was coming from a downstairs kitchen, so I descended the stairs following the glorious scent of bacon. I could hear indistinct conversations to my left at the bottom of the stairs, so I opted to check it out.  Chances were good they were chatting over breakfast.  I stepped slowly through the doorway into what appeared to be the dining room.  The table was a large picnic style wood table with rustic, low-back wooden chairs.  At the head of the table was my rainbow headed grandmother and to her left was my aunt May.  I didn't know any of the others.  Two other women and three men; one of which was the darkest black man I had ever seen in my life.  He stood out like a sore thumb among all the glow-in-the-dark white people at the table.  He was the first to notice me in the doorway.  He smiled at me.  "Come, join us my dear."  He waved his hand beckoning me to the table. 

I must have looked like a scared rabbit because May popped up from her seat and rushed to my side.  "I hope you're hungry, sweetness.  We got a lots bacon and eggs cooking up."

Gram had leaned her chin upon her hands, elbows on the table.  She looked at me with unrested eyes.  "I'm glad you could finally join us.  Take a seat.  Please."

May pulled an empty chair near hers for me and I sat.  "Uhm..." I stuttered.  "Finally?"

"Yes," The blacker than black man with a thick foreign accent answered.  "You've been kinda out of it for three days."

"Out of it?" I shot a questioning look to Gram.  "What does he mean?"

Gram leaned back in her chair with a sigh as if she were searching for the right words to use.  Her violet eyes scanned over as much of me as was visible to her making me feel a bit more exposed than I was.  Weren't her eyes blue before? "Just a figure of speech, Magpie." She finally said.  "It's a nice way to say your withdrawals were a bit more intense and time consuming than any of us were expecting."

"Withdrawals?! Withdrawals from what?  I don't use drugs."  I was not yet willing to admit anything.  That, and I'm sure she was exaggerating a little.  There was no way I've been out for three days.  I'd be too weak to walk if that were true.  I've seen documentaries on withdrawals and comas.

She cocked an eyebrow at me.  "Still have a ways to go, I see."  She reached for the bell on the table near her and rang it.  A woman of modest build and appearance entered the room.  Without looking in her direction Gram addressed the woman.  "We're ready to be served, Melinda.  Thank you."  The woman nodded and retreated from the room.  Gram has servants??  Oh my god, is she like rich or something?  In less than a minute Melinda returned with two other younger women and placed platters of food on the table between us. There was bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, eggs, hash browns and pork chops. My stomach growled in anticipation. "Eat up, ya'll.  We have a busy day ahead of us."

My Year with GrandmaWhere stories live. Discover now