Psychopath!Natsu x Reader: Monaday (Alterate Ending) [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to zallaa88997 for the request! I cut off some of the final scene from the last one to create the beginning, so it's in italics. Sorry for the crappy ending.


"Every couple needs a signature spot," Natsu explained. "I figured this would be the beginning spot."

(Y/N) giggled and sat down, pulling him down to her. They talked for a little bit before Natsu felt a weight on his shoulder. Looking down, he saw that she had fallen asleep. He sat there until it started to get dark, and then he scooped her up and started walking towards the center of town. He turned into an alley when her eyes cracked open. She took in the lack of light and quickly looked around, her panicked eyes landing on Natsu.

"You okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

"Sorry. I guess I'm a little jumpy being out here so late."

"You were asleep for a pretty long time," he added. "I would hate to see someone hurting you."

"Thank you for watching over--"

"Someone other than me, or course."


"You know," he started, an evil smirk present, open for her to see for the first time, "some people are very weary of strange men appearing out of nowhere, but you didn't seem to be."

"What's going on?" She demanded, fear starting to etch into her voice.

It was then that she realized that she was in an unfamiliar location, and that she was being held tightly in the fire wizard's arms.

"Where are we?" She loudly asked, starting to squirm.

"Easy, (Y/N). You're nice and safe with me."

"Let me down."

"But we didn't finish our date yet."

And with that, Natsu had let the smoke from his fire invade her lungs, and she passed out.


(Y/N) looked around, taking in yet another unfamiliar surrounding. She looked down and saw that she was sitting on a bed, tucked in under the covers. There was a glass of water and a small meal on the bedside table. She quickly jumped out of the bed, starting to study the room she was in. It was plain, but nice. There was a small window, which (Y/N) immediately rushed to. It was clear to her once she got close enough that it was wired and locked. Her eyes landed on the closed door, and her feet slowly took her over to twist the knob. To her surprise, the door was not locked.

She crept out of the room, looking both ways before inching down what seemed to be a long hallway to the front door. Right as she was opening the door, a pink headed figure slammed his hand on the door.

"Where're ya going, (Y/N)?"

"Why am I here?" She snapped. "Why didn't you just kill me like the others? There were no reports of you kidnapping any of them."

"Because I don't want you to die," he simply stated. "You're too precious to me."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You see," Natsu started as he grabbed her arm and pulled her deeper into the house, "over the week, I've grown quite fond of you, so it would be a shame to just kill you. Instead, I brought you here so we can be together all the time. Isn't that better?"

"Fuck you. Let me go."

Natsu's hand let go of her arm and slipped down to her hand, holding it and lacing his fingers in with hers. (Y/N) went to pull away when she was yanked towards him. She had no choice but to reach her other arm out to stop herself from falling too close to him, but it didn't work. His other arm snaked around her and put pressure on her back as he pulled her closer to him.

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