Natsu x Reader: Heather [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to CRYSTALEYESS for the request! This is based off the song "Heather" by Conan Gray if you want to listen to it while you read. Requests are OPEN.


The cold bit at (Y/N)'s hands as she trekked through Magnolia. Snow blew around her, and she had to squint so she could see through the wall of snowflakes. She spotted an all-too-familiar diner. Though she said she would never go in there again, her feet forced her inside. (Y/N) sat herself by the window, ordering a hot chocolate and people watching. Multiple couples had walked past, all holding hands or smiling lovingly at each other. She smiled sadly.

I still remember third of December
Me in your sweater, you said it looked better
On me, than it did you
only if you knew
How much I liked you

Her drink was delivered to the table, and she thanks the waitress before wrapping her hands around the mug to warm them up. She instinctively went to adjust the scarf around her neck, but her lips pressed into a thin line when she realized that she wasn't wearing it anymore.

"Well, I guess that's normal now," she thought aloud. "Don't know why I even still thought it was there."

The couples continued to file past her, taunting her in a way. Nothing was more painful than winter without him. Her skin missed the heat that radiated off him. Her nose missed the faint smell of smoke. Her hands missed his. Her ears missed the loving tone in his voice as he whispered to her.

but I watch your eyes
As she walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
While I die

She thought back to the day that she knew was the start of the end. It all happened so fast. It seemed like yesterday that he had dragged the blonde woman into the guildhall, introducing her and telling everyone that she was a new guild member. (Y/N) welcomed her warmly at first. She had no reason not to, right? A new member of Fairy Tail is a new member of the family, so she thought nothing of it when she joined Team Natsu, or when they all started going on requests together. She never thought about the rapidly decreasing amount of requests that he had asked her to go on with him, or the weeks that they went without going on a date or spending time alone. They were family, right? He was just making sure she felt welcomed.

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather

It was two months in when she finally realized what was happening. It ran over her like a runaway carriage. Looking back, she had always known. She was just hoping, praying that her suspicions were unfounded. He had drifted apart from her, and she finally saw that it would be nearly impossible to pull him back. He barely dropped in at her apartment, and when he did, he seemed distracted. He would avoid looking her in the eyes, and he would only stay for no more than ten minutes before he suddenly jumped out the window into the streets. The boy came one night, talking flatly, almost guilty. He didn't stay long, and only said one thing to her as he left.


He had broken up with her the next day.

Watch as she stands with her holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead

It was a quick turnaround. Two days after, he had walked into the guildhall, his fingers entwined with her. The same way his hands used to fit perfectly with hers. He wasn't overly open with the relationship, maybe because he had realized that the dynamic of the guild had changed after that night. She didn't speak to anyone for the next couple days, and she barely came into the guildhall. Why would she go to a place that was her home just to be ripped apart? The hall felt empty, even though there were dozens of her other guildmates there that would love to talk with her. In fact, she had immediately gone up to Mira, handed her a request, and left without a word.

She didn't blame Lucy at all. It wasn't her fault, afterall. She couldn't control it, and she didn't know. It was no one's fault in her eyes. They just...drifted. At least that's what she convinced herself as happening. The days that (Y/N) had gone to the hall were spent in the corner. She watched the blonde carefully, trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. Was it because he was sick of looking at the same (H/C) hair? Her unchanging (E/C) eyes? Maybe he just got bored. Lucy was definitely a match for him. She put up with the same overly energetic and dense disposition that she had loved for three years. There was no mistaking his happiness, but she couldn't help but wish he had never found her in Hargeon.

As she walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than a blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
While I die

(Y/N)'s hand tightened its grip on her mug, finger pads pressing onto the warm ceramic. She looked around the diner, taking in the crowds of people that were happily eating and spending time with the people they held close. Her left hand reached into her hair, fingers raking through the strands, trying to rid the cold water from melted snowflakes.

The waitress returned with a refill for her hot chocolate, sensing that she needed something to cheer her up. (Y/N) smiled at the kind woman and gave her a warm 'thank you,' turning back towards the window. She took in a deep breath, her hot breath puffing against the glass of the window and fogging it up. Her fingers left the mug and started to trace little pictures against the condensation. She settled for a snowman and a bunny with a winter hat. A small giggle escaped her lips as she leaned back to get a better look.

Something caught her eye, and her heart dropped. It all seemed to be in slow motion. The way they walked by, hand in hand, standing close. His wide grin and her cute smile. His usual flimsy winter cloak and her puffy coat. But what really got her, no matter how hard she tried to deny it, was the sight of his scarf wrapped around her.

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like her better
I wish I were Heather

(Y/N) gasped and turned away when she saw the couple look into the diner. She had quickly pulled her hood over her face to avoid recognition. She didn't know what would be worse of him spotting her in the diner and realizing that she had seen him give her his scarf. What would be worse? Him regretting it when he saw the tears pooling in her eyes, or him walking away, not bothered by the sight of his old love? She didn't want to find out.

She watched them as they walked by, their footsteps traced in the snow. Her hot chocolate seemed disgusting to her now, and she couldn't bear to drink the same drink he had gotten for her on their first date, and on every Tuesday during winter. The whipped cream had melted by that point, and a small tray of mini marshmallows sat next to the mug.

It happened before she could stop it, and she cursed herself when tears started to drip onto the table. There was no denying it anymore. He was gone.

Wish I were Heather
(Oh, oh)
Wish I were Heather

There was nothing she could do. No matter how hard she could possibly try, there was no bringing him back. His heart belonged to someone else now, and she had to be okay with that. Her body would be forever cold. She would never again be close enough for her nose to take in the campfire smell. Her fingers would come to forget what his skin felt like. Her eyes would never see him sound asleep next to her again.

There was one person that changed everything. One girl that flipped her life around.

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were


Next up is another request!

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