Natsu x Reader: One Night Roulette Pt. 1 (Modern AU)

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A/N: Hi! I'm alive! Super sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. Chronic illness is uh...yeah. This is going to be more than one part because I wanted to get something posted with what I have so far. Thank you to EUPHCRIQX for the request, and thank you all for your patience. :)


A casual Saturday night with friends. A little game of roulette. Nothing serious, as they just wanted to burn through the time until what they deemed to be an acceptable bed hour.

Two lines of red on one of their tests weren't what the group was expecting.

(Y/N), Jenny, Cana, Mira, Erza and Ultear all stood in shocked silence.

"Uh, I'm gonna be honest," Cana eventually stated. "I didn't think there'd be a round two to this game."

"Okay, so who could it realistically be?" Erza questioned the group. "I have my period."

"Same," Ultear echoed.

"Four is still way too many to narrow down," came Jenny's verdict. "Someone has to get more."

Erza volunteered for the trip to the local pharmacy, leaving the four nervous girls (and Ultear) behind.

"I'm just gonna say it," Jenny blurted. "I'm hoping it's Mira."

Mira went wide-eyed, prompting Cana to jump in, "You're in a three year relationship and you've already started talking about having kids together, Mira."

Silence washed over the group again, and no words were spoken until they heard the 'click' of the door signaling Erza's return. The four grabbed their assigned tests and disappeared into the bathrooms.

"Not me," Jenny sang upon returning to the living room. "Both were negative."

A few minutes later, Cana arrived, tossing hers in the hall trash with a silent announcement that hers were negative as well. The group looked between each other as the options were narrowed to two: Mira and (Y/N). After another five minutes, neither of them had exited the bathrooms, so the others went searching out of burning curiosity.

Mira bumped into them as they went to knock on the bathroom door she was opening, and her revelation of a negative test left (Y/N). They all waited longer, but there had not been a sound from the other bathroom in over ten minutes.

"Should we go check on her?" Jenny hesitantly asked. "I don't know how she's gonna take this."

And when they reached the bathroom and received no answer, Cana twisted the knob to reveal their friend sitting on the bathroom floor and staring blankly at the two positive tests sitting on the closed toilet seat.

"Easy there," he huskily whispered in her ear. "You don't wanna sprain your fingers gripping on that tight."

A broken whine erupted from (Y/N) when he pulled her hands off his shoulders and pinned her wrists deeper into the mattress. With the combination of her hip being held down by one large hand and wrists by his other, (Y/N) let out a thick moan following another deep thrust.

"That's it, (Y/N). Just like that."

"It could've been a false positive," Erza reminded everyone.

"For three tests?" (Y/N) shouted. "That shit doesn't happen for three consecutive tests. One? Yeah, sure. Two? Maybe, but not likely. Three? I'm fucked!"

Ultear placed a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder and tried to assure her that everything would be okay.

"It was one night. What the hell do I do?"

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