Natsu x Dying!Reader

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Natsu noticed the small changes in (Y/N) over the last couple weeks. He had asked her if something was wrong countless times, but all she did was smile at him and tell him that she was fine. She would distance herself from him and their friends. She barely came to the guild anymore, and people were starting to worry. She would make up excuses to avoid going, ranging from the "I'm not feeling so well" to the "I just have a bad headache" and everything in between. She had even started to distance herself from him and Happy, which wasn't like her at all. They would usually go fishing on the weekends and then go out to breakfast, but she canceled for the past three weekends and chose to stay at the house instead.

"(Y/N), do you want to come food shopping with us?" Happy asked as he fastened his pouch on his back. "You can help pick out the best fish!"

"I'm sorry, Happy, but I don't feel so well today. Maybe next time."

Happy faced Natsu and gave him a weird look before going to grab his keys. Natsu stared at (Y/N), as if trying to read her. She gave no emotions away. She truly did look tired and ill, but she never said anything.

"(Y/N)," Natsu softly started, "are you sure you don't wanna come?"

The girl turned to him and gave him a small smile before shaking her head and turning back to the window.

"I just don't have the energy today."

Natsu got an idea and shouted, "Are you sure? We can even get ice cream on the way!"

(Y/N) let out a small laugh, something that Natsu hadn't heard in a long time. He grinned, thinking that her old self was coming back. Her laugh died down after a couple of seconds before she turned her head and gave another excuse.

"I'm not really hungry today. Make sure to eat one for me, okay?"

"Why don't you want to come?" Natsu asked sternly.

(Y/N) was silent for a minute before looking at him with what looked like a confused face.

"I already told you, Natsu. I don't feel well today."

Natsu huffed, "You've been saying that for three weeks now. Don't you think you should use another excuse at this point?"

(Y/N)'s gaze drifted to the floor before she insisted, "But Natsu, I really don't feel we--"

"And the guild hasn't seen you in forever," Natsu continued. "They're starting to worry, too. Everyone keeps asking about you and when you're coming back. You're even pushing Happy away."

(Y/N) looked out the window to see that the noon sun was high. She kept her gaze on the surrounding trees before she sighed and stood up.

"I don't have that much energy, but I'll agree to come if we make it quick."

Natsu grinned and went to hold her hand to drag her out of the house before she changed her mind, but (Y/N) pulled away in time to avoid him taking her hand. Natsu looked at her confused before sighing and calling Happy so they could leave. They walked towards the center of town where the food market was. (Y/N) and Happy went over to the fish stand to pick out the best ones while Natsu gathered the different meats and produce. They all met near the bread stand and started home. Natsu could sense that something was still wrong, but he was just happy that she was finally going somewhere. They all continued their walk to the house when (Y/N) could feel her grip on the bags start to falter.

She softly spoke, giving the vague truth, "Hey Natsu, do you mind carrying these the rest of the way? My arms are tired."

Natsu nodded before taking the bags from her and hoisting them all up. Once they were home, (Y/N) went back to the window and stared at the trees. Happy and Natsu had put away all the food and asked (Y/N) if she wanted to head to the guild next. (Y/N) gave a weak smile before trying to give one of her excuses, but she was met with the sight of Natsu and Happy crossing their arms.

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