12 Days of Christmas

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A/N: Do I know why I chose to write a Christmas one shot during the summer? No idea. Let's just blame it on the "Christmas in July" idea mixed with quarantine. Anyway, enjoy!


On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

"Hey (Y/N), look at all the fish we caught!"

The (H/C) girl looked towards Natsu and Happy and saw that they were carrying a huge net full of fish. She giggled at them before going over to help them carry it to their house.

"You should totally stay for dinner tonight. We're making grilled fish!" Happy exclaimed.

"Fine," she said, "but you're using the stove this time, Natsu. You burned it all the last time with your 'efficient' fire cooking."

Natsu hung his head in defeat before grinning and running towards the house.


On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

"Happy, knock it off! That's for (Y/N)."

The girl in question looked across the guildhall at the sound of her name and watched the bickering pair. She tilted her head as she tried to decipher what they were talking about. Lucy came over to her and held her head up with her arm.

"It looks like they're at it again."

"I don't think I've ever seen them fight this much."

"You know it's about you, right?"

(Y/N) looked at Lucy in shock before asking why. Lucy shrugged her shoulders.

"Hell if I know, but your name's been coming up in a lot of their fights."


On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

"Hey Gray, what's up?" (Y/N) asked as she approached the bar.

The two had made idle conversation when Natsu came bursting through the guildhall doors.

"(Y/N), fight me!"

Everyone groaned before going back to what they were doing before. Gray waved before retreating to his usual table with the rest of Team Natsu. (Y/N) sighed before turning to Natsu and knocking him down. She clapped her hands together and smiled down at him.

"Natsu, not now, 'kay?"

Natsu groaned as he picked himself off the floor.


On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

Lucy and (Y/N) were sitting in her apartment talking about ideas for Lucy's next novel when they heard a tap on the window. Lucy huffed before yelling at Natsu and telling him to use the door.

"But I knocked this time," Natsu defended.

(Y/N) giggled before turning back to the paper that had their book ideas. Lucy pressed Natsu for a reason why he was at her window when Natsu shrugged.

"I needed to give (Y/N) something."

"You couldn't have waited until later?" (Y/N) asked through laughter.

"No way!"

Natsu grabbed something from his pocket and revealed it to be what looked to be a little kid's drawing. (Y/N) took the picture and asked why she was getting it.

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