Natsu x Bad Girl!Reader: Fog

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A/N: Thank you to lil_waffleowo for the request! Up next: Natsu as a demigod.


Natsu was walking down the hall to get to his class when he heard fast steps coming from around the corner. In a flash, a girl had appeared and ran past him. His head whipped behind him to try to figure out what she was doing, but his question was answered when a teacher rounded the corner and started yelling.

"(Y/N) (L/N)!"

Natsu looked at the teacher in confusion, and the teacher seemed to notice.

"That deviant just set my office on fire."

The pink haired student's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. The teacher disappeared in the same direction as the sprinting girl, leaving a shocked Natsu standing in the middle of the hallway.


He had made his way to class and took his seat, waving at his friends.

"What's up with you, Natsu?" Lucy questioned.

"What do you know about (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Oh jeez. Uh, well nothing but trouble if we're being honest," Lucy admitted. "Why do you even wanna know?"

"Apparently she set a teacher's office on fire. I just wanted to know. I mean, I heard that she's awful, but I just wanted to make sure."

"I wouldn't even try to talk to her," Gray commented. "She's horrible and a mess."

Natsu looked over his shoulder to see (Y/N) leaning outside the classroom door. She took in the conversation and scoffed, pushing herself off the wall and walking down the hall. Natsu seemed to be the only one that noticed, and he felt his stomach drop. Without thinking, he got up from his seat and left the room. He scanned the hallway, but didn't see her anywhere. A loud sigh came from him.

"Well this is great."

He started to tread down the halls in search of her, aiming to apologize for what they had said about her. Coming up empty, Natsu started to give up and return to class. He turned to go back downstairs when he saw her in the stairwell. She seemed to be on the phone, but he reasoned that apologizing was just as important, so he sat on the stairs and waited for her to finish her conversation.

"No, that's not what I said. I just said that maybe you shouldn't be drinking at eight in the morning. Yes, I know. But you know what? I can't keep coming home to you passed out on the couch surrounded by bottles."

Natsu felt like he was intruding at this point, and he tried to leave without her noticing to give her privacy. His foot scuffed the stair, causing (Y/N)'s head to whip around. They made eye contact, and (Y/N) turned back to her phone.

"I'm hanging up now. Do what you want."

She faced Natsu and crossed her arms.

"What gives, pinky?"

"Uh, well I just wanted to talk to you about--"

"I'm nothing but trouble, remember? What would make you want to talk to someone horrible and a mess?"

"Well that's why I wanted to find you. I came to apologize for what we said. I know it was inconsiderate and mean, and I wanted you to know that I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Um, I'm sorry for...interrupting."

He went to step down the stairs when she stopped him.

"How long have you been sitting here?"

"A couple minutes."

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