Natsu x Suicidal!Reader

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A/N: Hey guys, just a warning that this is going to be about a suicidal reader, so just prepare. (N/N) means nickname. Enjoy!


(Y/N) stared at the reflection of the moon on the river as she played with the ends of her shirt. She sat with her knees tucked in. The wind, the light, the grass, the overwhelming urge to die. Those were the only things she could tell were there.

"I guess it doesn't matter anymore," she whispered to herself.

"What doesn't?"

(Y/N) jumped at the sudden voice and turned around, ready to fight off whoever snuck up on her. When she jumped up and faced the person, she saw that it was Natsu and Happy. She let out a breath before turning back around.

Natsu pressed, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing important."

There was silence between them. (Y/N) could still feel him behind her, so she asked him why he stayed.

"You seem like you need company. Besides," Natsu grinned as he pointed to Happy, "I promised Happy that we could go fishing!"

(Y/N) looked at the pair with a questioning look before saying, "But it's night."

Natsu and Happy looked at each other before looking up to the moon and groaning. (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle.

"How did you guys not know it was dark out?"

"We were in the guildhall all day so we just assumed it was still light out."

(Y/N) smiled before it faded into a deep frown. She turned away from the pair again and held her knees. Natsu and Happy stood behind her for a minute. Natsu's nose twitched, and he discretely told Happy to go back to the house. Natsu approached (Y/N) again and put his hand gently on her shoulder.


(Y/N) scanned his facial expression before shrugging her shoulders and staring at the river. Her eyes drift down the stream and saw that there were a couple of boats in the harbor. She swallowed hard once she realized that Natsu wasn't leaving yet.

"Well what?"

"Where're you hurt?"

(Y/N) shook in fear as she tried to brush it off.

"I'm not hurt."

"I smell blood," Natsu persisted.

(Y/N) smoothly replied, "I have my period."

Natsu looked at her, seeming to be staring her down. He moved closer to her until he stood right next to her. His hand never left her shoulder. In fact, it seemed to tighten slightly.

"Natsu? Are you oka--"

"I don't know how you feel because I've never been there, and I'm not going to spew all the typical bullshit that people say."

(Y/N) looked up at him in shock, eye widening in realization. She started to wave her arms in front of her as she assured him that she was okay.

"Don't worry, Natsu! Nothing like that is--"

She was interrupted when Natsu suddenly and quickly pulled up her sleeves. She gasped once she felt the night breeze on her arms and instinctively went to pull her sleeves back down. He eyed her arms before boring his eyes into hers.

"Um, Natsu, I don't--"

The dragon slayer sat down next to her and stared out at the river. He seemed to be deep in thought, and he refused to look at her. (Y/N) sighed before holding her knees again and burying her head in them.

"You know," Natsu finally spoke, "I lost someone very close to me."


Natsu gave a sad smile and corrected, "Yeah him too. But I lost someone else. She was part of the guild when I was younger, but she was killed on a request."

(Y/N) listened intently to his words before she tried to speak, "Natsu--"

"I miss her everyday. And all I could think about was how I could've helped. So that's why," Natsu turned to her with a fire in his eyes, "I want to make sure that doesn't happen again."

(Y/N) stayed silent as she processed what he said. She sniffled quietly before turning her head away from him.

"Don't you ever wish that you could just...disappear?"

"Is that how you feel? That ending it would make things better?"

(Y/N) slowly nodded before she saw that his eyes narrowed. She prepared for the typical lecture when he surprised her by laying down so that his hands were behind his head.

"Well what am I supposed to do on my Sunday mornings if you're not there to make breakfast? Does that mean you'd force me to cook myself? That's harsh, (N/N)."

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at his carefree behavior and laughed lightly. She felt a small tug on her sleeve, and she flinched away thinking that he was going to pull it up again. He chuckled before explaining that she should lay down. (Y/N) reluctantly complied. She felt his hand grab hers and squeeze it lightly.

"Just make sure you know that I will annoy you if you die. I'll reverse haunt you."

"Natsu," (Y/N) spoke through her laughter, "that makes no sense."

"Of course it does. I'll bind your ghost to my house and make you smell it. I know how much you love the smell of fish."

(Y/N)'s face twisted in disgust before defending, "I don't necessarily hate fish. I have a taste aversion because we had that eating contest. It's completely different."

They fell silent again before Natsu could hear the continuation of her small sniffles. He tilted his head so he could look at her and frowned when he saw her tears. He sat up and helped her sit up as well.

"Now," Natsu started, "I'm taking you to that dessert shop you like so much."

"Natsu, I don't really feel like being in pub--"

"No complaining!" Natsu playfully scolded.

(Y/N) silently thanked him as they ate an entire cake. Well, Natsu ate most of it, but (Y/N) was able to get two slices. They exited the shop and stood outside, taking in the night breeze. She waved her goodbyes and went to walk away, but Natsu grabbed her wrist before she could leave. (Y/N) looked at him confused.

"Natsu, what are you--"

"Impromptu sleepover. Isn't that great?"

"Uh, why?"

"Because I don't like that look in your eye."

He took both her hands and looked into her eyes.

"I will be here. I will be by your side. So you have to promise that you'll stay here so I can be."

(Y/N) quickly hugged Natsu, holding on tightly. Natsu returned the hug and rested his head on hers. They stayed like that for a minute before (Y/N) pulled away. She looked around and saw that a couple people were staring at them, making her blush a deep scarlet. Natsu looked at her curiously before he noticed the stares. He shrugged and looked at her embarrassed face.

"What?" Natsu innocently asked.

"I just, people are staring."


"Well people might think that--"

"Who cares?"

(Y/N) looked uncomfortable before she said, "I mean, I just don't want you to have to--"

"Besides," Natsu said as he grinned and started to lead her to his house, "would it really be so bad if we were?"

(Y/N)'s face flushed again before she gave a nervous smile and continued to follow him. 

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