Cheater!Natsu x Reader: Sneak (Happy Ending) [requested]

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A/N: Thank you again to marriii9557 for the request!


"I'm heading to the guildhall," Natsu called from the front door.

Something in her snapped, and a second later she was discretely following him through the streets. Her heart dropped when she spotted Lucy waving him over. Tears started to pour from her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away and continued to follow them. From what she could tell, Lucy and Natsu were joking around with each other until Lucy smacked the back of Natsu's head in response to something he said.

(Y/N) followed them to the center of town, and she raised her eyebrow when they turned into a shop. Once they were inside, the (H/C) haired girl shuffled over to the front window.

"Woah," she breathed.

Inside the shop was an array of different jewelry, all sparkling under the light of the lacrima lining the store. She spotted Natsu and Lucy standing by who (Y/N) assumed to be the owner. Lucy kept pointing towards different pieces, and Natsu would shake his head before looking at the next choice.

They had eventually moved away from the display case, and (Y/N)'s heart sped up when she saw that they were looking at rings.

"Holy shit!"

She started energetically hopping in the street, but quickly ducked when she saw the pair turn around. A shit-eating grin was present on her face as she snuck away and returned to the house. (Y/N) started to laugh at herself, and she flopped onto the bed, letting out a huge breath of relief as her mind cleared.

A couple hours later, Natsu returned home, followed closely by Happy. He laughed when he spotted her stretched out across the bed.

"Have a good day?" He teased.

"Definitely. What about you? What did you do today?" She asked, fully well knowing the answer.

"Nothing much. Hung out at the guild all day basically."

"That sounds exciting," she joked back.

Natsu took hold of (Y/N)'s hands and pulled her up so that she was sitting on the bed. He leaned down so they were face to face and kissed her forehead.

"You seem a lot happier today. Was everything okay yesterday?"

"Oh, uh," (Y/N) stuttered, "I'm getting my period."

Natsu's face scrunched up and he started walking away, leaving (Y/N) to laugh at his reaction. He returned a minute later and tossed a container at her. She caught it before it could hit the floor and gave him a questioning look.

"It's (favorite food). You get grumpy on day two."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and thanked him, opening it up and nibbling on the food.

"So I was thinking that we could go out to eat tonight," Natsu casually stated.

"Are you sure? I took out some fish."

"I really think we should go out," he pressed.

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows, but it clicked right before she responded again.

"Okay," she chirped. "We can always have fish tomorrow."


They sat down at their usual booth at (Y/N)'s favorite restaurant, and (Y/N) happily ate her dessert after she finished her dinner. Natsu cleared his throat and took one of her hands.


"Uh, listen. I have to tell you something."

(Y/N) sat up straight and asked him to go on, excitement bubbling in her stomach.

"I don't really know how to say this, but I don't think we should date anymore."

Her face immediately fell, all of her excitement being replaced by potent sorrow.


"Yeah, I mean you're really great, and I really love you a lot, but--"

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes and gripped her thigh as she tried to prevent tears from spilling.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should like, start engaging?"


"Yeah you know, engaging."

"Are you breaking up with me or proposing to me? Because right now you have me very confused and anxious."

"Oh! No I'm definitely not breaking up with you," he laughed. "I'm actually trying to propose, and it's not working I guess."

"No kidding," she muttered. "You scared me."

Natsu nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his head. He took a box out of his pocket and slid it over to her.

"This box, if you choose to accept it," Natsu joked, mimicking the different game shows that they would watch on the movie lacrima, "will bind you to me forever."

"No take backs?"

"Absolutely no take backs."

(Y/N) stood up and made her way over to the pink haired wizard's side, hugging him tightly. Natsu turned his head to kiss her temple before yanking her into his side of the booth. She let out a small squeak, but Natsu caught her before she could fall.

"You need to work on your proposing skills, Dragneel."

Natsu grinned wide and laughed, saying that he didn't feel the need to practice anymore.

"I'm already with the one person I would want to propose to."

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