Dark!Natsu x Reader: Demon [requested]

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A/N: Thank you to treqqpoinie112 for the request. So I changed a bit in the plot because I just couldn't even remember the order of events that happened, so bear with me. Spoilers: Tartaros Arc. Also let's ignore the whole E.N.D. facts for the sake of this. Thanks!



(Y/N) looked around at the wreckage. Fairy Tail's guild hall was gone, having been blown up by the bomb Elfman planted. Everyone had escaped due to Cana's quick thinking, and they were all up on what seemed to be a floating cube. Everything was smoke, and (Y/N) was tasked with helping Gajeel and Lucy fight off the demons. They were faced with a boy with ears and a shark-like man, as well as the one that injured Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe.

As Lucy fought with Jackal, (Y/N) was asked to tag along for help, as they saw that Lucy was struggling. Lucy looked out of energy after summoning three spirits, so (Y/N) took one look around and spotted a shadow hovering behind Jackal. Black eyes looked on, as well as a sadistic smile.

"What do we have here?" The figure sang. "I see that we have another one that we can torture."

(Y/N) looked up, her eyes picking up on the pink hair. She stepped backward on her raft and her balance was thrown off.

"Now now," he tsked. "I don't want you to drown before I play a little."

Jackal started to cackle when he saw Natsu's mischievous look.

"And what are you gonna be doing to them?"

Natsu smirked and snapped his fingers, a quick stream of fire darting from his hands and wrapping around the raft. (Y/N) wobbled as the back of the raft caught on fire, forcing her to step towards the front. Natsu snapped his finger again, and another stream landed near the middle. The (H/C) haired girl gasped and inched further up the raft, her feet hanging off the front.

"Now that's not fun," Natsu drawled.

(Y/N) started to cast her Water Whip spell, reasoning that her water magic would work well against his fire. Her water wrapped around his ankle and flung him into the water. Once he resurfaced, his glare sent shivers down her spine. He lowered his mouth back into the water, and opened it, fire warming up the water to the point where it was boiling hot. (Y/N)'s toes started to burn from the water that splashed up, and she had to clench her teeth to stop herself from stepping backwards.

Natsu gave a devilish smile and grabbed her ankles, tossing her into the boiling water. Her screams sounded in the area around as she struggled to free herself from his grip. She could smell her boiling skin, and it was not a pleasant feeling (or smell). Natsu tightened his grip and used the heat from his hand to burn her ankles directly. (Y/N) weakly gripped what was left of the raft in an attempt to pull herself out of the water, but Natsu's steel grip prevented her from escaping.

"Where do you think you're going?"

(Y/N) spun her hand in a circle, calling a whirlpool to form below them. Natsu cursed as he was sucked in and thrown a distance from the water wizard. (Y/N) used this chance to force herself onto a stray piece of wood that was left from the raft. She heard a growl, and seconds later she had to dodge a breath of fire.

"Stop being a dick!" She angrily shouted, a scowl on her face.

"I don't think you understand the situation you're in."

A wave of water crashed into him, and it sent him flying out of the water and against the wall that he had jumped from originally. He held his head and glared at her.

"Natsu, finish her."

"I'm fucking trying. Do you mind?" Natsu sassed.

(Y/N) used the chance to use her Water Link spell, creating a link of water that solidified into chains. She then yanked the newly formed chains and forced him into the water before creating a small water trap so that he couldn't escape from the area he had landed in.

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