Chapter-14 (School Problems)

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The next morning

*In school*

*Connor and Amaya are sitting on the front bench while Greg was on the back*

Connor: *Yawns* Didn't get much sleep last night, You guys?

Amaya: Me neither

Greg: *Struggling to stay awake* I think-*Yawn* we need to start*Yawn*getting used to this late-night stay up *Yawn* 

Amaya: Greg dear, I caught more Yawns than words 

Connor: *Snickers* No kidding

*The teacher catches a glance of Connor talking and says sharply*

Teacher: Connor! Greg! Amaya!

Connor: *Looking straight towards the teacher* Um-Yes sir?

Amaya: Uh-Huh?

Greg: *Gulps*

Teacher: Stand up, Why are you talking in class? Can you tell me what is so important at the correct moment? 


(We can all relate to such a situation in our own class with our friends 🤣, can't we?!😁😜. Tell me in the chatbox, I love class humor ❤😊)

Amaya: Umm ... Actually ...

Connor: The thing is- 

Greg: Uhmmmmm

*Eric and Sandy sitting just beside the trio and a Cameron's group (Frenemy of the trio) caught Camron smiling mischievously which clearly said "Bust them, Don't miss a golden opportunity, guys" Eric nodded a return while Sandy grinned*

Eric: *Innocently* Teacher, I heard what they were saying they were calling me, sandy and Cameron names.

Greg&Amaya&Connor: WHAT?! 

Amaya: First of all, Cameron is sitting way over there-

Eric: *Totally ignoring what Amaya said and cutting in between* *In a fake hurt tone* Greg called me four-eyes! 

Greg: No-

Sandy: Amaya called me a bookworm!

Amaya: Why would I-

Cameron: Connor called me a low-life liar

Connor: *Losing his temper and walking towards Cameron* Wow even though I didn't call you that, You are totally a huge liar, bro.

Cameron: *Rising angrily from his seat* Sure ... Look who is speaking, "Mr. Bossy", Tsk

*Connor lost his temper and pushed Cameron and he fell back and raised up again and punched Connor on his arm*

*Eric angrily walked towards Connor and was about to hit him when Greg held his arm and slammed it down the desk*

*Soon enough the boys started fighting and the teacher who was not able to stop them hurried towards the principal office*

Amaya: I need to stop this or they will kill each other

Sandy: A Fool you are, Amaya! What makes you think they'll listen to you? They're 'BOYS'! Boys will be boys, They only know how to play it rough and tough. Don't be silly and interfere in between.

Amaya: Sandy. Camron and Eric might match your words but Connor and Greg don't. They don't like to fight unnecessarily and they do not play it rough. They're kind, Gentel, And the best friends ever! Connor is just a bit short-tempered and Greg gets ticked off when he sees someone trying to hurt his best friends. Of Course, I'll stop this fight! I have to!

*Amaya hurried as she stood in between the two pairs of boys who were sweating and panting with some bruises and cuts marring their cheeks and arms*

Connor: *In a Furious and possessive tone* Amy, Please!

Amaya: What 'Amy, Please'? Stop it you both! Just look at yourselves. 

Greg: Please Amaya, Step aside! We don't want you getting hurt. This is our fight ... And we're gonna finish it!

Amaya: Your' Fight?! Are you kidding me? Co! G! Stop fighting this instant! Violence is never the answer. You to Cameron, No more fights!

Cameron: *Rolling his eyes* Awww ... Look 'Little Miss Poetic' is here to give us advice. Well no thanks, nerd!

*Cameron harshly pushes Amaya out of the way causing Connor and Greg to go red with anger*

Connor: *Furious* That's it, Cameron! You're dead

Greg: *Angrilly* Buttered Toast!

Just then the School Principals booming loud voice fills the classroom through the class speaker-

Amaya Banks

Connor Rivets


Greg Alby 

Report to the principal's office immediately!!


𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓❜𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆

Heyo Royals, Sorry for the late update. I was going through a sick week. Feeling feverish and all. Hope you enjoyed today's chapter ❤❤

𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔


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