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Stop right there, villains! What are you up to this time? Owlette said sharply jumping out of the Cat-car. You've all teamed up? Again?! Ugh, some people just never learn, Gekko said sighing as he too climbed out. 

Well, Yes! and we will finally defeat you pjs once and for all! Muhahaha! Romeo laughed evilly. Oh please, you villains said the same thing the last zillion times you all teamed up. We defeated you last time we'll defeat you again today, Catboy snickered."

'Ha! Oh yeah? How will you do that? When I got this magical wand which I stole from mystery mountain and which makes 'ME' *Ahem* 'US' unbeatable! Night ninja laughed waving the wand at the trio. 

'Leaping Lizards' isn't that the same 'Wiggly wordy wand' I mistakenly took from Anyu's pagoda to bring Lionel back from Munki-gu? It was really silly of me to take it without asking but that thing is really dangerous, Gekko panicked. 

'Ugh, Maybe Night Ninja doesn't know the dangers of that wand, It could harm him and the other villains, Owlette said to the boys'. 'Oh, these villains, always cooking up new troubles ... Catboy groaned. 

All of a sudden smoke started filling in and popped out an, Anyu- "Greetings Pj masks!" Anyu greeted in her high-pitched voice, appearing out of thin air. Ahhhhh!! The PJ masks shrieked startled, as they stumbled backward. 

'God! Anyu! From the next time least give us a warning before you do that, I almost got a mild heart attack!' Owlette said still recovering from the shock. 'Apologies my friends, but, I fear I have bad news. My 'Wiggly Wordy wand' was stolen by a night ninja!' Anyu said worry evident. Righttttt~, We already know that Catboy said pointing towards Night Ninja who waved a 'hi' towards Anyu with a snicker. 

'Night Ninja! Give me that wand this instant! You do not know the danger of wrong uses of that wand Anyu glared'. 

'Oh, Please. Keep your dragon mouth shut! How hard can it be? All I have to do is make up a rhyme! Easy as Pie, Now, Ummmm let's see 'I command the wand to' Ugh! what rhymes with 'wand' Night Ninja said irritated. 'Ugh! Your worthless, Give that wand to me Ninjy, I can do better!' Luna girl said snatching the wand from Night Ninja. 'Hey!! I am the master Ninja here, Night Ninja said' pulling  the wand back as they both started arguing. 

'Well that buys us some time, What's the plan guys?' Gekko whispered to the others. 'Let's divide and conquer Catboy said'. "Great idea Catboy! 'Gekko and Anyu you both stop Robot and the ninjalinos, and Catboy you take care of Romeo and Night Ninja. I think I'll pay a visit to Luna, Motsuki, and their moths but- that still leaves the wolfies, who will stop them? Owlette said scratching her head, confused" 'Armadylan! He can help! Gekko suggested' But, where is Armady- before Catboy could finish his sentence the ground began to shake, and out came ... Armadylan!! "Did Somebody call? 'Armadylan style' he said striking his signature pose". Armadylan?! How? When? How did you?! Catboy fumbled astonished. Owlette giggled 'Well this solves our issue' Armadylan the villains have teamed up again and we need you to stop the wolfies Owlette said. 'You got it Pjs', Armadylan winked. Ok, Pj masks go! go! go! Catboy shouted with leader like vibes. 

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