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Greg's Pov:

Those two kids got me detention on the first day of school, Mom and Dad won't be happy. But, who cares it's that tall blue boy's or maybe that long-haired girl's fault, not mine.

Teacher: So, Who can tell me which planet is also known as the 'Red Planet'? Greg, Greg?

Greg: *Snapping out of his thoughts* Huh, Sorry Sir, Um can you please repeat the question?

Teacher: *Sighs* Please pay attention Greg, 'Which Planet is also known as the 'Red Planet'

Greg: Um, Mars

Teacher: Good, Now, Connor can you tell me 'Who was the first Indian woman in space?' 

Connor: Yes sir, 'Kalpana Chawla' was the first Indian woman in space.

Teacher: Well done, Now here is a tough question let's see who can answer this question 'Is life possible on Mars and explain yes/no?' 

Silence filled the class, Every child was thinking of the answer when a long brown-haired shot up her hand.

Teacher: *Quite Suprised* Yes Amaya?

Amaya: Well sir, Typically humans need oxygen to breathe and live but without it, we will not survive  So, By comparison, Mars atmosphere is 95 per cent carbon dioxide. ...There's no free oxygen in the Martian atmosphere. You cannot breathe this gas. You would die of hypoxia within minutes. So, thus life is not possible on Mars.

Every student looked at her with their jaws dropped, The teacher was also very surprised.

Teacher: W-Wow, Very Good Amaya, How did you know that? That answer is quite out of syllabus.

Amaya: Well, I read books all the time and study on various thing sir

Teacher: Very Nice

*Time skips to Science Class*

Teacher: Ok class, We'll do a small lab activity, Three children are needed in pair. Hm, let's see,

Tania, Meg and Jenny

Cameron, Billy and Natasha 


Amaya, Connor and Greg

Connor: *Scoffs* Nice to see you again Mr Clumsy and Mrs Mannerful

Greg: My pleasure 

Amaya: Ugh! 

Teacher: Ok kids, You have this whole period to make a small experiment, Let's get started.

Greg: Sooo, What can we make?

Connor: *Looking through the experimental book* We can make a 'Rubber Egg', It's quite easy to make and interesting. 

Amaya: Good idea, It will be perfect for our project. Insoluble calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that makes up the outer layer of the shell eggs reacted with vinegar - an aqueous acetic acid solution (CH3COOH). As a result, soluble calcium acetate (Ca(CH3 COO)2) was formed. The gas bubbles evolved in the process is carbon dioxide (CO2), excluded from the carbonate by the acid. So, what happened with the eggshell can be expressed by the reaction equation like:

CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH → Ca(CH3COO)2 + CO2↑ + H2O

The result is an egg without a hard shell. Only the inner shell membranes, which are similar to parchment remain intact. So, Eggshell consists mostly of calcium carbonate CaCO₃, which readily reacts with many acids. We'll use acetic acid, which is the main component of vinegar. Calcium acetate is obtained in this reaction; it is highly soluble in water. That's why almost nothing remains from the eggshell and Voila you have your rubber egg.

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