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Present time:

Luna Girl: Wait a sec! This part of the story sounds familiar

Catboy: Well, Of course, it does. You know this part of the story very well

Romeo: *Confused* Um, I lost you there. How does Luna know a part of your story?

Owlette: Because this is the part where we met Luna.

Luna Girl: Ohhhhh! My first visit to earth and my first meet with the rotten Pj pests

Catboy/Owlette/Gekko: Heyyy!!

Luna Girl: Whatever, Hey can I tell this part of the story?

Gekko: Hmm, Fine. I'm also a bit tired of all this telling

Catboy: Yup, me too

NN: Begin already!

Luna Girl: Yeah, Yeah no need to be impatient

Well, My Great Grandmother was a powerful moon sorceress 'Yoreh' who wanted to take over the earth but she was defeated by the power ancestors of these PJ pests and I am supposed to avenge her by defeating the Pj masks and destroying their city. One day I was on the moon watering my moonflowers when suddenly my magnet gave me the signal that the PJ masks have risen again and then I teleported to earth with a lot of moon magic and found myself in front of these Pj's.

Catboy: Ummm ... Is this normal? Cause a girl just appeared out of thin air

Gekko: Dunno, But I don't think she's very friendly. With that evil smirk and dress-up like a Moon Girl. I mean look at her dress code, her colors, and most specifically look at that um-magnet maybe it's shaped like a half-moon and so is her hoverboard.   

Owlette: *A thought striking her* I think you're right, 'Evil'and 'Moon' it kinda adds up to ummm, why do I feel that she is someone related to that 'Evil Moon Sorceress' the protectors were talking about.

Luna Girl: Smart, 'Feathers'! I am Luna Girl the great-granddaughter of 'Yoreh' The evil moon sorceress, Oh FYI a Villian!

Gekko: *Laughs Nervously* Hiya, Luna. Welcome to our Hq, Wanna be friends?

Luna Girl: Quit it! Didn't you hear? I am a Villan and we are supposed to be enemies, Hard-core enemies!!!! 

Owlette: Do we? I mean all can stay in harmony and pea-

Luna Girl: *Laughing* You're hilarious, Harmony and peace??! Our ancestors were enemies and so are we. I'll destroy you!!!

Catboy: We can't fight were kids

Luna Girl: I know that silly kitty-

Catboy: *Angrily* I have a name you know?! I am Catboy, this is Owlette and this is Gekko.

Luna: *Yawns* Like I care! As I was saying I won't engage in a physical duel with you rotters cause we're like way too young but that won't stop me from destroying your city and stealing from your city.

Catboy: *Gasps* You wouldn't 

Gekko: We'll stop you!!

Luna Girl: Keep on dreaming Lizard legs, toodles.

Catboy: Follow her

Gekko: But we still don't know our powers, how will we fight her?

Owlette: *Gulps*

We're goners!

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