Chapter-8 (Into the Night Pt 1)

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Previously on Pj Masks: How it all began



*The three heroes were at Amaya's house eating cookies and sipping orange juice, might sound like a very relaxing activity but our favourite trio had some worries though*

Connor: I don't get it guys, Why have they chosen us??!! I mean The earlier protectors were at least mature or at least 16 but look at us... 

Greg:  Why, What's wrong with us? I think it would be pretty cool to be a superhero.

Amaya: Um, Let me think because I don't know *Almost shouting* We're only 6 yrs old, And in second grade I don't know maybe a little too young to lose an eye or hid our face forever and we still have parents who are not dead, who are already concerned for our difficult personality and they suddenly find out we go out in the dead of night and if they ask us what will we say "Oh hey Mum, Dad! We're superheroes! Our powers were granted by three protectors who had been hiding their faces forever because they lost their eyes and now we fight crime! Yayyyy!?

Greg&Connor: *Looking at her startled* Uh, Right...Um.

Amaya: *Shaking her head looking sorry* Ugh, I'm really sorry guys I'm still getting the hang of this friends thing and this whole powers thingy is even more confusing. I'm really sorry for my behaviour.

Connor: *Putting his hand on Amaya's shoulder* It's ok, we understand

Greg: Ya, Even we are new to these things and all that you said does make sense but I think we should give it a try Amaya, We can't just leave it like this.

Connor: Uh-Huh, He's right! They chose us for a reason. I mean look at us barely friends, Sometimes rude, Only 6!? That's how others see us and even we see us but there has to be another thing that we are missing out and just to find that we need to do this. 

Amaya: Okkkk, You guys do make sense, Fine! There is nothing in this whole world I'd belive without logic.

Connor&Greg: *Hugging Amaya* Yayyyy!

Connor: Soooo, Guys what will our team name be?

Greg: I know 'The incredible, The greatest, The powerfullest Pyjama heroes!!

Connor: Um, I don't really think so and Powerfullest isn't even a word

Amaya: How about 'The Pj Masks'? Pj is short for pyjama

Connor: Now that's more like it!

Greg: Fine but you gotta admit my name was way exciting

Connor: Now that's more like it

Amaya: *Chuckles* So, we go out tonight?

Connor: Yeah! *He pushes his hand forward* Pj masks were on our way

Amaya&Greg: *Pushes their hands forward for a fist bump*Into the night to save the day!!!

Greg: Woah! Where did that come from?

Connor: Dunno, But I am not really surprised cause we have superpowers and a rhyme fails in comparison to it. But we must say that rhyme every time we go into the night to save the day it sounds awesome.

Greg&Amaya: Definitely!

*The doorbell rings*

Amaya: Oh it must be my Mom and Dad!

Connor: Will you like us to leave? I mean your mom, dad will need some space

Amaya: Oh no, it's fine really, My mum and dad will really love to meet you both as my 'Friends'.

Connor&Greg: *giggling* 

*Amaya opens the door and to her surprise, not only her parents but also Greg's and Connor's parents are over, They all come inside*

Mr Banks: *Kissing Amaya* Hi Honey, Look who we have over, We just met these nice people... Also They are our neighbours and they have two-

Amaya: Kids? And both boys? I know

Mrs Banks: Well ... Um, Yes, How did you know?

Amaya: Cause Mom, Dad. They're my friends... *Greg and Connor come from behind*

Mrs Alby: Greg sweetie! You made friends?

Mr Alby: Unbelievable

Mrs Rivets: Wow, friends?! Connor doesn't really like making friends

Mrs Banks: Nor does Amaya

Mrs Alby: Same with Greg really

Mr Banks: Well I guess kids can always change, Very good Amy!

Amaya: Thanks, Daddy!

Mr Alby: Good boy Greg!

Greg: THANKS! I really like having friends now

Mrs Rivets: Great work Co! I'm really proud of you

Connor: Gee, Thanks, mum!

Mrs Banks: Well, I think we'll let the whole detention thing slip, huh?

Amaya: Oh you know *Laughs Nervously*

Mrs Alby: Well we're not happy that you three picked up a fight with each other but I think we'll let it be.

Greg: Really?!

Mrs Rivets: Yup, You guys earned it 

Connor: Thanks, Mum! That's awesome

Mr Alby: Well it's your bedtime do you kids want to stay up with us just for today or have a sleepover here if that's ok?

Mr Banks: Of course they can have a sleepover!

*The kids wanted to stay up but they backed off as it was time for them to transform, The moon was out* 

Amaya: Great! We'll head upstairs! And sleep!

Mrs Banks: What about dinner?

Connor: We're really full Mrs Banks

Greg: Yeah, Good Night to you all

*The trio headed upstairs to Amaya's room and put on their pyjamas*

Connor: So now what?

Amaya: I dunno?! 

Greg: Let's push our charms, Maybe it'll work, maybe that's what it is for!

Connor: Worth a try!

*All push their charms and-*



To be Continued...

Author's Note:

So sorry guys for the late updates, My exams are on and I must take them quite seriously...Sorry, again I will try my best to update. Hope you liked the chapter and if you did don't forget to vote.

Love and Regards


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