Chapter-16 (Night Ninja at your service)

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*At Night*

*In the Pj masks Hq*

Catboy: *Scrolling through the screen of the Pj picture player* No sign of Greg, *Worried* Where is he? I really hope he's ok.

Owlette: Hmm, Catboy? 

Catboy: Yeah?

Owlette: Why did those purple figures actually capture Greg? 

Catboy: Who knows?! Maybe it's some of Romeo's new robots or Luna's sidekicks

Owlette: *Unsure* Hmm

Catboy: *Suddenly* Owlette look, there's Greg surrounded by those purple figures and 'A blue one'?

Owlette: Why is he dressed up in blue while all the others are in purple?

Catboy: *Snickers* Romeo must have run out of purple fabric for the robots

Owlette: *Rolling her eyes* Really Catboy?!

Catboy: Who cares! Come on to the Cat car!

Owlette: Wait!

Catboy: *Groaning* Now what?

Owlette: Your cat car won't be able to go there, look!

*Owlette pointed towards the screen where Greg was tied to a pole with his mouth duck taped but it was in the middle of the lake and the purple figures were standing on other poles keeping a lookout while the blue figure was standing on the top of the same pole as Greg* 

Catboy: Uh-Oh water! Yuck! And we can't take the Owl glider because it doesn't have enough space to land. We can't take the Gekko mobile either as none of us both know how to drive it.

Owlette: Uh-Huh, So I guess it's on wings and foot.

Catboy: I guess so, Now come on 'Super cat speed'!

Owlette: *Wondering* Whoever are these guys who captured Greg is certainly very clever and knows about us because they planed such a base where none of our vehicles can go . . . Hmmm . . .

Catboy: Owlette!

Owlette: *Snapping out of her thoughts* Coming Catboy!

*Later at the lake*

Greg: Oh thank god, You guys are here! Catboy, Owlette! Help me!

Catboy: Don't worry Gekko, Let him go you-you purple and one blue person or robots

???#1: *Gibberish* They are here!

???#2: *Gibberish* Finally!

Owlette: What-? What are they saying?

Catboy: *Trying to copy them* Jib, jab, Jibri, Jaja- Yeah, I don't think that's English.

???#3: *Jumping in front of them* Allow me to explain! So you are the brave cat and the smart owl.

Owlette: Great! So the blue one speaks English?

???#3: *Annoyed* Hmph! Well, Indeed I do, Now allow me to introduce myself! I'm-

Catboy: Before you begin, Are you a human or a Robot?

???#3: *Highly Annoyed* Why would I be a robot?! I'm a Ninja and a human, duh. I'm-

Owlette: I knew you looked suspicious, knowing that we are the Pj masks and plotting such a base. You knew who we are because you are the descendant of "The Night Warrior Hamonashi"

???#3: Yes you guessed it right, Where was I? Oh yeah! I'm-

Greg: Let me go!!! Why have you captured me??

???#3: Ugh!!!! Quite, I'm getting to it. Now, I'm-

Catboy: Is this gonna take long? cause' I'm feeling a bit hungry.

Night Ninja: *Mad* SHUT UP!!!!!!!!  I beg youuuuuuuu! Let me at least introduce myself! Each time one or other of you are interrupting me.

Okay, I'm Night Ninja and Hamonashi was my great grandfather, A truly amazing Villan. Last night I found out the Pj masks mean you have risen, So I with my siblings called the ninjalinos who are also villans, Oh and they speak a language only I can understand, Set off to your city and my great-grandfather left me a book telling me all about your power ancestors. So I figured out you must not be any different either.

Owlette: Can't we just forget the past and you know be friends?

Night Ninja: Oh birdbrain you are hilarious, And-Of course not we are born to be enemies. Though we will not fight with violence but I'll destroy your city. Muahahaha!!

Ninjalinos: *Doing an evil Laughter too*

Night Ninja: Ninjalinos only I do the evil laughter! Now release that lizard!

Catboy: Just like that? Why did you capture him in the first place anyway?

Night Ninja: Oh I just captured him to meet you all. The real battle is yet to begin, I'll be back Pjs. Come on Ninjalinos. 

*Saying this the ninja's jumped off after releasing Greg*

Greg: Whew! At least we are villain-free for now.

Catboy: Ya, Glad you are ok Greg!

Owlette: Yes, We were really worried

Greg: *smiles* Now let's head home and get some sleep

*Present time*

Armadylan: Woah!

Luna Girl: So that's how you met Ninjy?

Owlette: Yes

NN: Ahhh, Those days!

Anyu: Soo, I expect the tale ends here? I mean you met all your first villains and then it's pretty much over, right?

Catboy: Hehe, No the tale is actually far from over.

Gekko: Ya, 

The real fun is just 

Getting started!

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