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Previously on Pj Masks: How it all began

A test of  Trust



Pj masks we're on our way! Into the night to save the day!

Catboy: Traveling to HQ as light beams are the best things I have witnessed till now being a superhero

Gekko: *Smiles* It is pretty awesome

Owlette: Now shall we try out our powers?!

Catboy: You betcha! 'What were those words again? Super cat speed?'

*As soon as he said those words he began to run around inide HQ at super-speed*

Catboy: Woahhhhhhhh!!! Help me guys, I-I can't stop!

Gekko: But- How do we stop you?!

Catboy: *Annoyed* Um hello? I am not the only one who has superpowers. You have too! Use them to help me!!!

Gekko: Um ok, Ummmm, Right. Uh.

Owlette: Gekko wait-

Gekko: Super Gekko Camouflage!!!! Uhhhhh... Guys, I don't think anything happened

*But something did happen alright*

Owlette: *Face Pams* Gekko I told you to stop. We first must find out our powers. You have turned Invisible.

Gekko: *Starting to panic* What invisible?! Oh no, What will I do now? What if I stay like this forever!!!!

Catboy: *Feeling dizzy* Owlette you-you are the only one who can help us. Use your sm-smarts to help us. Ugh! I think I'm gonna throw up.

Owlette: If this was science or maths I would, but I know nothing about this whole super stuff.

Catboy: Come on Owlette, We believe in you!

Gekko: Yeah, You can do it! 

Owlette: Really, You guys believe in me more than I believe in myself

Gekko: Of course we do! You are amazing 

Owlette: Ok, let me think, Hmmm I have superwind, super close vision and I can fly at super speed. *Takes a deep breath* I think I got it. 

Owlette: *Takes a step back and* Super owl wing wind!!

*Owlette's wing wind was so strong that it blew Catboy out of his tracks and he landed in a corner. A little Harshly but safe and finally his legs had stopped running* 

Catboy: Finally!!!! Thank you so much

*Catboy walks to Owlette (slowly as his legs are still a bit shaky) and hugs her*

Owlette: *smiles* You're welcome Catboy, I think you should sit down and rest for a while

Catboy: *Sitting down* My legs feel like they are made of jelly

Gekko: Um Owlette, What about me? 

Owlette: You just need to think that you are visible again 

Gekko: ok...

*Gekko turns visible again*

Gekko: Please tell me it worked

Owlette: It did!

Gekko: *Hugs Owlette* Yayyyyyyy! All hail 'Queen Owlette'! Thanks a best friend!

Owlette: *Grins* You're welcome, 'Best friend'

*Suddenly a voice spoke up out of blue, reverberating around the room*

???: Test 2 passed! Your rewards are waiting for you in your own personal chambers.

Catboy: Wait, was that Cougar?

Owlette: I think so

Gekko: Sooo ... We passed another test? 

Owlette: I think, This was a test of belief. You guys believed in me that I can do it. And I did.

Catboy: *Smiles* You're right! Now let's go check out our presents

*The three hurried to their chambers*

Owlette: *In her Chamber*Oh my god!!! 

It's an Owl -Glider

It's an Owl -Glider

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Gekko: *In his chamber* Oh Wow! This is speechless

It's a Gekko-Mobile

It's a Gekko-Mobile

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Catboy: Amazing! Awesome sauce! Cool! Good God!!!!!!

It's a Cat-Car

It's a Cat-Car

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