Chapter-9 (Into the night Pt 2)

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Previously on Pj masks: How it all began-

Pj Masks!


Connor/Catboy: Woah! We just teleported to our superhero HQ as light beams! Cool and creepy at the same time!

Amaya/Owlette: Um Connor, I don't think you find teleporting as light beams that creepy when you see what we are wearing!!!

Greg/Gekko: WOW! I am dressed like a lizard! I have a tail and scales, Cool!!

Connor/Catboy: Even I have a tail and ... ears!! I have cat ears! Awesome.

Amaya/Owlette: I have wings!! Sweet.

Connor/Catboy: I think being superheroes won't be that bad after all but one thing guys, we can't tell anybody about this. We need to keep it a secret.

Amaya/Owlette: Agreed! We have to be secret nighttime heroes. We can't risk drawing attraction towards us.

Greg/Gekko: *Nods* But~ we totally need a superhero name! Cause we can't reveal our real names but we are definitely not taking those wordy names of the previous protectors.

Amaya/Owlette: Good Idea! Hmmm ... I think the name Owlette suites me! It's catchy and suits my powers, Also I always liked that name.

Greg/Gekko: I know! My name would be Gekko! As I'm a Lizard and by the looks, I look like a Gekko.

Connor/Catboy: My name will be ... Um ...Oh yeah! Catboy!! It sounds really cool!

Owlette: Great! Now to find our powers. It's quite late so let's go outside and try to find our powers.

Catboy: Yeah! Come on

*The trio went out to find it deserted as guessed*

Owlette: Ok? So how do we find out our powers?

Catboy: Maybe we'll get those 'Feelings' about what to say during using our powers.

Owlette: I sure hope we get those 'Feelings' soon, The protectors also mentioned 'Villains' I pray we learn how to use our power's before we meet a villain.

*She had just finished his sentences when a white portal opened in mid-sky and stepped out a girl with White-Blonde hair, which almost looked like silver due to its unusual shine  Riding a half-moon shaped hover-board, A glowing Magnet in her hand and A evil smirk spread across her pale-white face which had trouble written all over*

Beware ...

Author's Note:

Hey Guys, Sorry for the short chapter but as I said my exams are going on and I am not able to write a lot...Till next time guess who the mystery villain can be in the last line of the following Chapter?! Let me know your guesses in the comments below...Bye ☺



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