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*The next morning*

*Alarm beeps*

Connor: *Yawn* Wow, Yesterday was fun, We-

*Before he can finish out came a booming voice of his pretty brunette friend through the walkie which was unusual as Amaya had a calm voice most times*


Connor: Gosh, Amaya! My ears have some mercy. Also, it's only- Omg 10:10?!

Amaya: And detention's at 10:30! If we are late you can kiss your next Saturday goodbye too! Just get ready fast! Connor? You there? 

Connor: *While brushing his teeth* Yey-Uk-Sund-grood

Amaya: *Rolling her eyes* You mean to say' 'Ya, Ok sounds good'?

Connor: Mhm

Amaya: Great!! Meet me at Greg's front yard when done, And pronto!

Connor hurriedly brushed his hair messily (Which was not his style because he literally spends one whole hour in the morning styling his hair, What? The man's gotta be in style). Put on his clothes and shoes, Grabbed a toast, and went out to meet his friends. He checked his watch '10:20' he smiled, 'Good we will reach school in time'. He was ready to hear a handful from Amaya his strongly Time-oriented friend but somewhat he actually liked his smart friend's strong half scolding yet caring voice. He smiled at this thought and look up to see Amaya&Greg standing in front of Greg's yard. Greg nodded his head with a mischievous smile gestured to me that Amaya was totally ticked off as I grinned, Here it comes. 

Connor: Morning guys, Sorry I'm late.

Amaya: Connor. Are you Nuts?! Do you know what time it is? I know we stayed up a bit late yesterday but that is not an excuse. I don't even know what to do with you!-

*Amaya scolded Connor all the way while Connor grinned continuously and Greg was trying his best to control his laughter*

Amaya: -and this must not repeat again, ok Co?

Connor: Yes Amy, And well will you look at that! We've reached! and on time too. Come on!

Amaya: But that doesn't-

Greg: *Pressing her hand* Give it a rest Girl, He gets it!

Amaya: *Rolls her eyes playfully* Ugh fine! Now come on, My Parents had a hard time processing I got detention.

Greg: *Grins* Too bad can't relate

*2 hours passed casually in detention* 

Amaya: Sir? I think our time is up!

Teacher: *Looking at her watch* Hm, So it is. Well you are dismissed

Connor: Thank you

Greg: Bye teacher!

*The trio walked towards home laughing, talking about silly things, and cracking jokes when a swarm of Moths surrounded*

Greg: Moths?!

Connor: Not only Moths, Luna Moths!

Amaya: That means Luna Girl!

Connor: These Moths have a note?!

Greg: Hmm? What does it say?

*Connor reads out the message*

Dear Pesky Pjs,

How are you? Oh wait, I don't care! If you dare, come tonight and we will see who is the real champ. But be warned I'm not alone I have Romeo and Night Ninja by my side too ... Last warning, give up!! 

With lots of Hatred

Luna Girl

Greg: Give up? *Scoffs* As if

Amaya: We need to stop them!

Connor: Pj masks we are on our way!

"Into the night to save the day!!"

Authors Note

Wow, Just wow.

Trust me guys I'm totally speechless, Yesterday I just thanked you guys for 3k and the next thing that happens is I wake up and open my Wattpad and I see my story has reached 4k!!! I'm speechless! Thank you guys really 💖 Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter.



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