Chapter-22 ( The Ultimate Pj Battle Pt 3)

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Romeo: Hmmm, Let's see. *Spreading the map of the city on the lab table*

NN: We will start by splatting and destroying the exercise center! So nobody can be as fit as me! Muhaha!

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NN: We will start by splatting and destroying the exercise center! So nobody can be as fit as me! Muhaha!

Luna Girl: *Scoffs* Ugh! That is is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, Will start by sending the Museum to my beautiful moon, Then I can have my very own moon museum. It will be all mine! Muahahaha.

Romeo: I'm the smart one here! So, I'll decide, We'll rob the library so nobody can be as smart as me! I'm such a genius! I love myself! Muahaha.

Luna Girl: No! We go with my plan

NN: Nooooo! Mine

Romeo: Shut up! Mine it is!

*Meanwhile on the top of the building above the villans*

Catboy: So the Villans are arguing, We can take advantage of this.

Owlette: Hmm, Good idea Catboy. We will make them fight with each other. If being together and friendship is our power then it must be their weakness.

Gekko: Nice! I'll take Night Ninja, Owlette Luna's yours, and Catboy you distract Romeo. But what about their sidekicks?

Owlette: I can see robot being charged so I'll sneak up and discharge him so he can't do anything and about those moths and Ninjalinos, I've got a plan.

Catboy: Ok, We trust you

Gekko: Come on!




Luna Girl: *Shouting in anger and frustration* Ughhhhhhh! MY PLAN!

NN: Stop blowing our eardrums away, Mooney Girl! My plan is the best!

Romeo: Says who?

NN: Me!

Luna Girl: Annnnd, Who are you again?

NN: *Growls* You-

Catboy: Helloooooooooo Tarabiscoville!

Romeo: *Freezing on his spot* Wait a sec, That sounded like.......

*The Villans turned backward a saw Catboy standing there with a smug grin on his face*

Luna Girl: .......Kitty Boy!! How? What? That effect was supposed to last 2-3 hours!

Romeo: Ugh! I should have known your magic as useless as you.

Catboy: True...But Romeo is such a genius! His smoke invention at least worked and made us faint.

Romeo: I- *Feeling proud* I am a genius.

Luna Girl: Just shut up! Catch that kitty

NN: You don't command us, Luna!

Gekko: Yes, Night Ninja is the best. He's a natural-born leader.

Night Ninja: *His head held up high* Hmmm, Even Lizard boy know's that I'm the best!

Luna Girl: Ugggghhh! You-

Owlette: *Landing in front of Luna* Don't make be silly boys, I'm pretty sure that 'Luna' is our queen, She has such beautiful hair, Such a pretty face, Sooo Powerful. "All hail the Moon Queen"

Luna Girl: *Absolutely flattered* You are such a dearie! I'm the queen! I'm the best ain't I?

Romeo: No! I'm the best! Catboy said so too

NN: Nooo! I'm the best!

Luna Girl: Keep dreaming boys!

No sooner the Villans started arguing, While the 'PJ MASKS' winked at each other

Their plan was working perfectly!

Author's Note

Hey Guys, Hope you enjoyed today's Chapter. If you did don't forget to vote.

In today's chapter, the Villans were arguing about who's the best

Who do you think is the best? Who's your favorite Villain? And why?

Mine is Night Ninja and Romeo both because I like Night Ninja's sarcastic personality and Romeo's evil yet brilliant mind, Although I really don't support Villans but can't help liking them. Fangirl thingz ♡

Who's yours? Let me know in the chatbox :)



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