(8) What Is Fair

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After the last class was over all of the students went straight to their dorms. Usually the dorms were separated by gender but that was until the new rehabilitation programme was put into action.

Since then the destribution by gender was changed or to make it simple Sombra had to be put on the boys' side between the two most capable students that being Bakugou and Todoroki in case she were to escape.

To say the young villain wasn't surprised by the effort the school had put to make the dorms comfortable for the students would be an underastiment.

"Woahhhh" she exclaimed. Taking in her suroundings.
"That's better looking than my place. It has living space, kitchen with separated dinning area even the bathrooms are separated by gender" she said feeling the akward stares from a few of her classmates who followed her every move.

(Way to be obvious guys)

"Something wrong" she asked making the students flinch averting their eyes.
"Opps sorry" she apologised scraching the back of her head.

"Don't apologise these idiots are pussies. Now shut up because I'm trying to make dinner" yelled from the kitchen an angry boom boom boy.
"Wait you can cook" she cackled seeing the said boy with an apron.
"Yeah. Got problem with that ahhh" he growled.
"No just surprised. You won't poison the food right"

"Depending on how much you annoy me I may reconsider" he shot back throwing a death glare.
"Okay okay hedgehog" she last said before leaving the kitchen almost running to get settled in her own room.

"Kacchan calm down she didn't mean it" reasoned Midoriya.
"Fuck off Deku"
"I'm more amazed how Bakugou didn't actually attack her already" butted in Kaminari laughing quietly trying not to get on Bakugou's bad side.

"Dinner's ready dumbass" Bakugou knocked on the girl's dorm door but hearing no response he tried again. Again and again but still no answer.

So he opened the door slowly enough to take a quick look. And what he saw made him see red.

The room was empty. Empty as hell. Even Shouji's would seem fuller than hers as she was asleep shivering on the bare bed which didn't even have a pillow and a blanket.

'What's wrong with this school. Saying they make this shitty as programme for the sake of the villains and at the same fucking time they don't treat them as equals' he scowled.

And before he knew it he left the room and came back with a spare pillow and a blanket carefully placing the pillow under her head and covering her with one of his spare blankets as she snuggled more in a small smile embracing her small face.

Checking out her closet seeing there were only two T-shirts, one pair of black leggings, the regular school and gym uniform, some underwear. A single towel and hyigene stuff.

So he made his priority and with another trip to his room he bought in a few other T-shirts, a pair of black sweats and one of his jackets. He didn't forget to leave some stationery too. A pencil case full with the basic items and a 5-subject notebook.

After that he quietly left her room going downstairs seeing his other classmates eating already not bothering to wait for him or her. And ignoring their stares he quickly went to the kitchen and left some food for her wrapped it up and put it in the fridge before he prepared a plate for himself.

Mina POV

After Bakugou went to call Sombra for dinner the rest of my classmates didn't even wait for them to come back down before they started eating. Even Iida didn't mind which made me upset.

I know that she is a villain but at least they could make an effort to make her feel at home. They may have not seen it but the look in her eyes said otherwise. She felt akward like she didn't belong here or fit in.

At least Blasty didn't treat her any different as it should be.

"Mina why aren't you eating" asked me Kirishima.
"Oh I was just lost in thought"
"It seemed more than that"
"Well Kirishima it is. Why are we acting like she doesn't exsist"
"What do you mean" said Sero his mouth full with rice.

"I mean we have a new student and other than me and Bakugou no one actually treats her as if she is even here other than staring and acting like cowards" I stated clearly annoyed.

"But Mina she is a villain" reasoned Hagakure.
"And what of it Tooru. She's still a person. Like you and me"

"Enough with this already. People are trying to eat" interupted Iida breaking the conversation. As everyone resumed their eating. I wanted to say more but what was the point if nobody would listen.

'I'll check up on her after dinner seeing as Bakugou came without her' I made my mind determend to befriend the girl.

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