(17) What Now?

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I am so sorry for the long wait everyone but I hadn't had any ideas what to write.
Hope you enjoy this chapter and the next.

An out of character Boom Boom boy


What now indeed. We introduced our main character. We told her backstory and introduced her family...


Did we?

It's been a few days after the reunion with father and daughter ane everything seemed to be back to normal or as normal as it can be for class 1A.

"Okay class two weeks from today we will be having the UA Sports festival" said Mr. Aizawa as the whole class erupted in cheers.

"Is that a good idea though?" asked the vice president Momo in a worried tone, "Won't that make us an even bigger target right after the villain Attack"

"Yes it is. We as future heroes have to show no fear. How else are supposed to save others when we show the slightest bit of fear and uncertainty from a small attack like this. Apart from saving people we become role models for citizens and show them that there is nothing to fear and that everything will be alright" stated Amy but there was more to her words than she gave out.

'Well said Amy better said than what I imagined' thought Shouta.

"As she was trying to say we can't refuse to not participate just because of a simple attack as that would lead them to loose their trust in heroes. Keep in mind that via the Sports festival apart from showing off your skills against each other you also demonstrate your potential as a future hero and thus you might get recommended by some of the heroes" said Aizawa.

"Also before I continue with the lesson are there any questions" 
"Yes dad. Will I be participating in the tournament considering my villain status" 

"Don't worry about it as the other teachers had already handled with the rumours about your arrival as the villain Sombra much less getting any personal information leaked as of you being my daughter and such. So don't worry about being exposed for your villainous status or such"  answered Shouta in a calm and collected way a small reasuring smile forming on his face.

Continuing with the lesson he felt that there seemed to be something more to her question but he won't push her to tell him for now. He knows that she will tell him that's because her mother was the same.

~Time skip to Lunch break~

"Hey guys have you seen Bakugo" asked Kirishima towards the Bakusquad consisting of Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari and Sero.

This has been bothering Kirishima for awhile since after the reveal he seems to have something on his mind and since he isn't one to be opened about his feelings this will later on make things even more worrisome.

"Don't worry Eiji I am sure he is fine. Maybe he wants some time alone. After all we annoy him a bit too much" the pink skin and haired girl laughed.
"I hope you are right Mina" 

'But I'm worried for her too since she still hasn't warmed up towards everyone. Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable enough with us and needs more time to adapt to everything. Hope whatever is going on her mind will clear up' thought Mina.

On the rooftop

'I am so mad at myself. I can't put up with the fact that after so many years I let them get under my skin as I lost control over this stupid quirk given to me by these monsters' thought Amy while leaning on the railings before continuing rubbing her eyes.

'I can't allow myself to make another mistake like that or it will happen again" but her thoughts were interupted by a loud bang of a door. A little startled she turned around to see a familiar ash blond teenager.

"So that's where you were" said the angry pomerian.
"What are you doing here"
"I can ask you the same thing but whatever"
"What do you want. I'm not in the mood for talking" she deadpanned trying to avoid his watchful eyes.

"Oh my god I swear...."
"You always swear" as she saw him fumming and decided not to push her luck.

"You are scared aren't you"
"Hahah. What" she laughed straight at his face but seeing he was serious about what he said she went silent.

"You know what I am talking about" he stated again staring down at her. Patiently waiting for her to answer. But she hesitated. She didn't know whether to trust him or not.

After all he was a complete stranger to her and nothing else. But something told her she could trust him.

"Okay so what if I am scared. Insecured. How can I not be after everything that happened and I don't want to repeat myself and and even now. I-I'm scared it will happen again. That if I get too attached to someone I'll just loose them. So laugh it off tell me I'm weak and leave me be" she  was full on mess at the end as she was embraced by strong arms. No words spoken.

As the tears she was holding back were falling down like a river as she sobbed in his shoulder. He knew there was something she wasn't telling him but he didn't dare pressure her more.

"That just makes it even more obvious" he whispered to her lifting her face up his hands brushing out the stray tears a frown on his face, "How about this. I'll train with you so as to get a better control of that quirk or some shit and in return you do the same with me"

This shocked the girl even more as she felt something in her stomach flutter from the way the boy was acting.

"What's the catch. After all who would willingly train with me much less you"
"Tch. Like I'd tell you" he blurted out as a small smile embraced her features which to Bakugou seemed cute.
'Fuck' he blushed slightly as he stopped stroking her cheek.

"Enough with the sappy shit and let's eat. You'll need it for after school for when I beat your ass" he blurted out sitting roughly on the floor opening his bento box as he threw her another one.

"Is this for me" she asked taking a closer look at the item in her hands.
"No I'm just giving it to you to hold it. OF COURSE IT'S FOR YOU YOU DUMBASS" he yelled.

"Okay okay just asking" she finished opening the bento and taking a bite of the rice as her stomach fluttered in delight.

"Mhmmm. It's delicious. Did you make it"
"Who else do you think"
"Dunno. Midoriya"
"As if that Shitty nerd can cook. He'd kill himself before he steps foot inside the kitchen" he stated as she giggled lightly.

"You know you can be really nice if you try"
"As if I'd act like stupid Deku"
"I didn't say to be like him but whatever makes you sleep at night"

And just like that went on with lunch break with sappy talks and coments from both Amy and surprisingly Bakugou.

'Somehow he can makes me feel safe. Not hiding behind a mask nor having to pretend' she thought feeling content with the boy's presence while unbeknown to both of them there was a certain ravenete teacher who heard what has happened.

E D I T E D 👏

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