(10) The Attack On USJ Part 1

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~Next day~

"Hello today's hero basic class will be a bit different as it will be off-campus" said an extremely tired man as the students cheered while someone didn't like the idea very much.
"Excuse Me! What are we going to do" asked Ojirou.

"Rescue training which includes disasters, shipwrecks and everything in between but when we arrive I'll be able to tell you more in detail"
"This will be a lot of work" exclaimed Kaminari.
"Yeah right" said Mina stretching her stiff shoulders.

"Come on guys don't say it's going to be a lot of work because it's a duty that every hero should do and I'm really excited" said Kirishima.

"Me too Kirishima-kun because no one can beat me in the water" said Asui.
"Hey I am not done. Anyway just get your costumes and meet me outside. The bus is already here"

"Wait I have a question. Do I have to wear the restraints" asked Sombra even though she kind of expected what the answer would be but she can hope right.

"Of course. You still hasn't gained the school's trust" huffed the tired teacher.
"Just asking" she pouted scraching at the restraints. Her change of clothes already prepared.

"Alright class gather round in two lines so everything can go smoothly. And I want everyone to sit alphabeticaly"
Sadly for him no one listened and just sat where they wanted.

The whole ride was filled with lots of chatter. Kirishima and Kaminari trying ro get Bakugou to talk, Midoriya, Uraraka, Mineta, Iida and Kaminari talking about the posibilities for practice, Mina trying to make small talk with the young villain while cracking a few jokes here and there.

"We are here so keep quiet" the voice of their teacher said as everyone got off the bus.

"Hello everyone I've been waiting for you"
"It's the space hero Thirteen. She is my favourite hero who specialises in rescue missions and has a similar to mine quirk. Oh I love Thirteen" fangirled Uraraka.

''Let's go everyone" Thirteen encouraged.

"As you see there are a shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm and a lot more. It is a training ground I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the Unforseen Simulation Joint or for short USJ"

"Thirteen where's All Might"

"Well it seems that he did too much hero work that he ran out of time" the space hero whispered.
"I see. That fool always being so irrational. Thank god we took precations"

"Before we begin I have to say one thinfg... er two, or three, or four... five....six...seven... Anyways. As you know my quirk is black hole. I can suck up anything and turn it into dust"

"And thanks to this you were able to save thousands of people from disasters" interfered Midoriya.

"Yeah but you should know that it can easily kill people and I'm sure some of you have a quirk like that. So in our superhuman society, an individual's quirk has been certified and strictly regulated as to avoid the worst possible senarious.

With Aizawa's fitness test you found the posibility of your own quirk and with All Might's person to person combat training you experienced the danger that your quirk can cause while fighting each other. This class is a fresh start. With today's training you'll learn how to use you powers to save people. And remember you don't have powers so you can harm. I hope you leave with the understanding that you have powers in order to help. That is all. Thank you for listening" Thirteen finished.

"Alright then let's just chose the pairs and we could start"
"Sensei can I and Sombra team up" interupted Mina way to excited grabbing the said girl's shoulder.
"Okay just..." but he was interupted yet again as the lights suddenly went out and a purple smoke begun to form and villains started appearing.

"Cool there are even fake villains" exclaimed Kirishima.
"They aren't fake. They are real" said Aizawa and Sombra at the same time.

"WHAT" everyone screamed.

"Thirteen protect the kids and Sombra is this your doing" said Eraserhead shooting a glare at her.
"Why am I accused. I didn't plan any of this"

"Say no more" finished the teacher not waiting for her explanation as he rushed in to fight off the aproaching villains as a blue haired person came from the mist stopping the girl in her tracks.

"Hello everyone we are the Leage of Villains and we have come to kill All Might, wait I don't see him. Kurogiri sensei said he was supposed to be here"

"Don't worry Shigaraki it doesn't matter for now. He will get here eventualy so let's continue with the plan shall we" the person naimed as Kurogiri said

"Oh no" was what Sombra last said before everyone was sucked in the purple fog and split up in different places around USJ.

E D I T E D 👏

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