(33) The Cupid Couple

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Kirishima POV

It's been a few days after visiting the arcade and things between Bakugou and Amy have been a bit different yet interesting.

Time has stopped for them and it's not just the class that has noticed this. Even the teachers have too.

Acting all dreamy and stuff. Like seriously when has the biggest hothead ever been quiet less cursing or even not paying attention in class to which the teachers have to call out to him. Never. Well not until now.

Or the fact that Amy has been making less snarky comments has been spacing out either playing with her jet black hair, drawing hearts on her notebook or even the small glances she gives my bro my best buddy when 'no one' is watching. Heck she even comes up to me to ask for notes.

Those two are so dense and oblivious of each other which is both cute and akward and that's just sad so I think it's time for the cupid couple to take in charge of the situation I concluded feeling acomplished with my decision smiling like a fool.

"Is there something funny Kirishima. If so why don't you share it with the whole class maybe it's more interesting than me explaining about the final exams" asked our teacher annoyed having his lesson being disturbed which kind of surprised me shown by how I slightly jumped from my seat.

"No sir. I'm sorry for disturbing the lesson. I promise it won't happen again" I apologised as the teacher nodded in approval but before continuing

"Bakugou that applies to you too"

See this is what I mean by Bakubro being distracted. That's why I need to talk with Mina about the matter and not just rush in withoit a plan. Now that would be inmanly. But what's more inmanly is not paying attention to your sensei.

~After class~

"Mina I need to talk to you"
"Is this about Amy and Blasty right" I could practically see the stars in her eyes.
"Yeah but also h-how did you..."
"How did I know what you were going to say. I feel hurt Eiji"

"Sorry! I'm so sorry Mina" I apologised bowing down a few times.
"Don't worry about it I'm just messing with you but seriously what do you expect from me. Not to notice even the slightest change from my favourite ship" she rambled.

"Nooo" I said trying to be as considerate as possible not wanting to anger her.
"That's what I thought"

"Okay I apretiate your sass Mina but can we please get back to the topic"
"But we didn't do anything to get off topic. I'm just proving a point here so hold down your horses and breathe" as I did what she told me to do.

"Now back to the topic. I was thinking about something lately"
"And that is" I tried to rush out the answer.
"I saw the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen"

"MINA!!" I screamed rather discouraged for where the conversation was going.
"Whaat!? Kiri that's an important piece of evidence"
"And what about it"

"Kiri it's not what about it. The person wearing the necklace was Amy and last time I paid attention she didn't have one so isn't it obvious. Our boy Blasty must have given it to her" she concluded happines visible in her eyes.

'Honestly I can't understand girls sometimes about this much hype. Wait'

"Now that I think about it Bakubro was trying to hide something during yesterday's training. Could it be... No way! Amy must have also given something to him. That's so manly. These two definetely need to seriously talk things out between themselves"

"Yeah right you dummy"
"Hey. Now I'm the offended one"
"Could have been worse" she joked as I ignored the statement.
"Now that we have cleared everything it's time for the cupid couple to reassemble" she states.

"So what's the plan"

"We need to confront them as soon as possible and when we do confront them it should be when they are alone. So I take Amy and you take Blasty"

"Mina that's not a bad idea but are you sure we should confront them just like that and this soon I mean you heard Mr. Aizawa when he said that the exams both the writren and the practical one will be no joke plus you especially need to study because your results from the midterms were awful"

"Sheesh ket me finish Eijirou. So as I was saying that since the exams are almost here we'll have to start as early as when the training camp begins as this weekend I'll be studying at Momo's and the next week are the exams so yeah. We'll do it then"

"Okay that's more like it"

"Buut that doesn't mean we can't engage just a tini tiny bit"
" What are you planning"
"Nothing of your concern Eiji"
"That doesn't sound so good"
"Just relaax. It will be okay"
"But like can you promise me that it won't be humiliating"

"No promises Ei. Nooo promises"

God how did I end up in this mess I don't know but for the sake of my friends' wellbeing I shall take the risk.

E D I T E D 👏

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